Chapter 37

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Joe heard Iris scream as she entered the house. He ran downstairs to see Y/N and Barry lying on the floor, unconscious, bloody, and very bruised. "Oh my God," he muttered. "Iris, help me get them in the car and then call Y/N's parents." Iris nodded rushing over to their bodies.

"Wait, Y/N, her arm is cut! Grab me something to stop the bleeding!" she yelled, holding back sobs. "What the hell happened to them?" she wondered. Joe ran and grabbed the first aid kit from the kitchen.

"Here," he said as he tossed the gauze to Iris. "How did this happen? Was it the Reverse Flash? Or the other time-traveling villain?" he thought. Iris wrapped the gauze tightly around Y/N's arm while Joe walked over to examine Barry. "Oh God," he winced as he saw the deep cut across his back. He pulled Barry's shirt off and did his best to wrap gauze around Barry's chest. Tears slid down his cheeks, landing on Barry's bareback. "We've got to get them to a hospital." Joe stood up and lifted Barry off the ground. He despised seeing both of them like this more than anything. "Iris, get the door." She quickly stood up and ran to open the front door and then the car door. A few minutes later they were on their way to the hospital with both Barry and Y/N unconscious in the back seat.

"D-Dad? What happened? This is the second time something like this has happened to Barry this year. What is going on?" Iris asked, looking back at Barry.

Joe sat in silence, contemplating his answer. "I-I don't know Iris," he lied. He couldn't let her get involved in this mess. It was bad enough that this was happening to Barry and Y/N, but he had to protect Iris. There was no reason for her to get involved in this. Joe pulled into the parking lot and ran into the hospital, carrying Barry in his arms. "Help! Someone please! My son! And his girlfriend's in the car!" he yelled as he burst through the doors. Nurses immediately took Barry out of his arms and laid him on a stretcher. Joe watched as Barry was wheeled down the hall before he ran back outside for Y/N.

20 minutes later

"How are they?" Joe asked the doctors, anxiety overwhelming him.

"They've lost a lot of blood, but they should make a full recovery." Joe let out a sigh of relief and hugged Iris.

"Are they still out? Can I see them? Please, I want to see them." Iris begged.

"We put them together in Room 238, but I need to warn you, they don't look good right now."

"I was the one who found them, I can handle it." Iris and Joe pushed past the doctor and found Room 238. Joe opened the door to see Y/N and Barry both lying unconscious in the hospital beds. He felt tears fall from his eyes as he walked over to Barry. Iris sat down beside her father and began crying. Barry had a bandage wrapped around his chest, his lip was busted, and he had bruises on his abdomen, knees, and throat. He looked over at Y/N. She didn't look as bad, but she was just as pale and she had a bandage wrapped around her arm. He assumed bruises were under her shirt as well, but he certainly wasn't going to check.

"Did you call Y/N's parents?" Joe asked Iris.

"No, no I guess I forgot. I got so caught up in this-"

"It's fine just do it now. Here," he said, handing her his phone. Y/N's parents came bursting through the door roughly 10 minutes later.

"What the hell happened?" Y/N's mom shrieked.

"We-we don't know," Joe lied. He knew they wouldn't believe him if he told them. Y/N's dad was at Y/N's side sobbing.

"Is she-are they going to be okay?" Y/N's dad asked Joe.

"They're going to be fine," Joe assured them.

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