Chapter 35

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"Uh, hi, uh, you know who I am?" Barry stammered, putting himself between Y/N and the hologram.

"Barry, you don't need to protect me," Y/N stepped up beside him.


"Of course. Barry Allen, director of the CSI Division at Central City Police, also known as The Flash, co-founder of-"

"Wait, wait, what are you?" he asked.

"I am Gideon. An interactive artificial consciousness."

"AI? That is so cool," Y/N said, her eyes wide. "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course. Y/N Y/L/N, forensic scientist at Central City Police, also known as The Streak-"

"Wait did you say I'm The Streak? And that Barry is The Flash?"


"Whoa," Barry turned to Y/N. "I-I'm The Flash? What does that even mean?"

"And who is The Streak?"

"The Flash and The Streak are both speedsters."

"S-Speedsters? Like the Reverse Flash?" Y/N stuttered.


"Why is he here? The Reverse Flash, why did he come here?" Barry asked. "He looks adorable when he's curious," Y/N thought to herself.

"To kill you both," Gideon answered. Y/N and Barry stood frozen with shock.

"I thought I told you to not touch anything!" the Reverse Flash bellowed as he sped into the room. "Don't you realize what you might have just done?!"

"I-We're sorry, we just-" Barry backed against the wall, Y/N following.

"I don't care what your explanation is! You're going to pay for this," he grabbed Y/N and Barry as he sped out of the room.

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