Chapter 5

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February 20, 2006

"Come on, Barr! There are only 4 days until prom! You need to ask her!" Iris whispered to Barry.

"I know, I know. It's just that I'm so scared. I don't know if I can do this."

Iris grabbed Barry's shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Barry, I know you. You are so amazing. You're handsome, smart, and so kind. You can do this. You've just gotta believe in yourself."

'I guess. I'm going to do it. Today, after school while we're studying," Barry said, shutting his locker.

"Great! I know she'll say yes!" Iris hugged Barry excitedly.


Barry and Y/N studied until there were no flashcards left.

"I think we're both going to ace this test," Y/N said as she tidied the flashcards.

"I hope so. I don't need to give Mr. Cooper anything else to be disappointed in." Barry looked at Y/N while she put the cards away. "Hey Y/N?"

"Yeah?" Y/N looked up from her bag.

"Come on, Barry, you can do this. Just tell her already!" Barry told himself. "Um, I was just wondering if maybe you might want to- I don't know, maybe go to prom with me?" Barry's cheeks felt like they were on fire as he looked up.

"Barry, I'm really flattered, but Tony Woodward already asked me. I said yes..." Y/N trailed off. She felt absolutely awful. She couldn't meet Barry's tear-filled eyes as she spoke, "I'm really, really sorry, Barry."

"It's fine. I'm just going to go now," Barry got up, grabbed his bag, and walked out the door.

Barry finally broke down and started sobbing. The girl he had liked for so long just said she's going to prom with Tony. Tony! How could someone as terrible as him end up with someone as beautiful, smart, and kind as her? It just wasn't right. He started running. He ran past her driveway, past her neighbors, past Joe's house, past the park. He ran until his body ached and he couldn't breathe. It didn't help. He was too broken to be distracted, even by physical pain.

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