Chapter 46

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"Thanks for your help," Y/N said as she opened the door for Barry.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow after work?"

"And at work," Y/N added, smiling.

Barry smiled back. "And at work. Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Barry." Y/N pushed the door closed and smiled, remembering all that had happened in the last 24 hours. "Did that really just happen?" Y/N asked herself.


"You did what?!" Iris yelled.

"I kissed her..."

"Barry you stupid idot."

"And then she kissed me back," he added.

"She did what?!"

"Why are you yelling?" Joe asked as he came down the stairs.

"Barry kissed Y/N! And she kissed back!"

Joe smiled, "I thought it might happen, but definitely not on the first day."

"Yeah our relationship has always been different though."

"So are you guys officially back together?" Iris quizzed.

"Uh not officially, but we're going out tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh you're going out on what would have been your anniversary!"

"First of all, I know that, and second of all, how do you know that?"

Iris rolled her eyes in response. "Where are you guys going?"

"Don't scream."

"No promises!"

"Ice skating."

"OH MY GOSH!" Iris shrieked. "You guys are literally too much."

"And if you don't stop screaming, I'm literally going to go deaf."

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