Chapter 3

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"Hi," Barry said as he set his textbook down.

"Hi," Y/N replied, avoiding eye contact.

"How many grams of calcium nitrate contains 24 grams of oxygen atoms?" Mr. Cooper asked the class.

Barry's hand shot up perfectly in sync with Y/N's as they both yelled, "41!"

Barry and Y/N were the best in the class by far. "Why didn't Mr. Cooper make us lab partners sooner?" Y/N wondered.

"Correct, but next time wait for me to call on you instead of shouting at me," Mr. Cooper scolded as he glared at Barry.

Barry nodded and looked down at his desk. He hated being in trouble with Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper had never liked him for some reason. Y/N looked over at Barry and touched his arm to comfort him. Barry looked up and smiled as Mr. Cooper rolled his eyes and continued quizzing the class on last night's homework.

"Hey, are you alright?" Y/N asked after class.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't understand why he hates me so much," Barry said holding back tears.

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you-"

Y/N was cut off as Barry shouted, "Then why does he act like he can't stand me!"

A tear rolled down his cheek. He brushed it away quickly, hoping Y/N hadn't seen.

"I'm sorry Barry. I wish there was something I could do," Y/N put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly, "Do you want to come over tonight and study?"

Barry looked up clearly flustered, "I would love that. I-I mean that would be cool, yeah..."

"Meet me outside after school and we'll walk to my place," Y/N said before she turned and walked away.

"Okay great," Barry replied, his face still a bright shade of crimson. "Does she like me? No, I'm sure she just wants to be friends. But could she?" he wondered as he watched Y/N walk away. The warning bell rang, startling him once again. He walked to his next class, thinking about Y/N the whole way.

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