Chapter 27

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May 4, 2006

Barry was released from the hospital after a couple of weeks and went back to school a few weeks after. Barry healed slightly faster than most people.

"Hey Y/N?" Barry asked as they sat down to eat lunch.


"Two things. One, may the fourth be with you. And two, did you ever tell your parents about the blur?"

"May the fourth be with you too. And yeah I told them last night. They didn't believe me of course, but at least I don't have to hide it from them anymore," Y/N wasn't upset, no one had ever believed her other than Barry and Joe.

"Yeah, well I guess that's expected. I have another possible theory on the blur."

Y/N looked up. "Another one? We're going to need a new notebook," Y/N joked.

"What if it can't see the future? What if it's from the future? I mean let's be honest, there's no way the technology that would be needed to make or become something like that just doesn't exist yet."

"Hmm. It would make sense, but how would it know so much about us specifically?"

Barry thought for a moment, "I don't know, maybe we're important to it in the future? I mean, it did say it needed us."

"I think we've got a theory worthy of the notebook," Y/N said, pulling a small, blue, notebook out of her backpack.

Later that night

"Okay on to the next one!" Barry said excitedly as he put in the DVD for The Empire Strikes Back.

"We're staying up way too late, but it's Star Wars so I don't even care." Y/N had spent a lot of nights at Barry's house, and when they weren't at Barry's house, they were at Y/N's house. One, she didn't like him out of her sight, and two, she didn't want to be alone.

Barry jumped back onto the couch and Y/N snuggled into his chest. In this moment, her life was so perfect. She loved spending time with Barry, she loved Star Wars, and she loved watching how excited Barry got when they were watching Star Wars. He always had the dorkiest smile on his face. "Hey, Barr?"

"Yeah?" Barry paused the movie.

"You look really cute right now."

"Oh yeah? You look cute all the time," Barry smiled even wider.

"Why can't we just live in this moment?" Y/N asked. "It's so perfect. Why can't we just stay like this forever?"

"I wish we could, but you know what would make this moment even better?"


"Pizza," Barry laughed.

"Oh my gosh Barry we literally just ate like an hour ago!" Y/N giggled.

"Yeah, but that was an hour ago..."

Y/N put her head back on Barry's chest, "No more pizza tonight. Come on let's watch the movie."

"Okay, mom," Barry laughed and unpaused the movie.

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