Chapter 16

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"Goodnight, Y/N," Y/N's mom kissed her forehead.


Y/N heard a crash come from downstairs.

"Thomas?" Y/N's mom called.

That's when it came. The blur. It took them both downstairs. It killed Y/N's parents right in front of her. Over and over and over. Just them dying. That was all she saw. That was all she heard. Y/N screamed and sobbed and begged the thing to stop.

"Just stop!" Y/N screamed.

"Y/N!" Barry was shaking her.

He looked very concerned. Y/N started sobbing and collapsed into Barry's arms.

"I'm here, you're okay. It was just a dream," Barry held her close as Y/N sobbed into his chest.

Y/N never wanted to let him go. She felt so safe when she was with him. Y/N slowly started calming down, still shaking.

"What happened? You don't have to tell me."

Y/N thought for a second. She had never really told anyone about that night, but she trusted Barry. She didn't know why, but she did. "It-it was-I saw my parents-I watched it happen again-," Y/N started sobbing harder.

"Your parents?" Barry asked.

"I watched them die all over again," Y/N managed to get out.

Barry understood her pain. He'd lost everything too. "I used to have those nightmares too," Barry held her close, comforting her.

Barry realized what he'd just said. He started sobbing. He hated talking about what had happened that night. How he had lost everything.

Y/N was very confused, but she started to put the pieces together, "Joe isn't your birth father. He adopted you didn't he?"

Barry nodded and continued sobbing.

"What happened to your parents, Barry?" Y/N asked.

"I-I don't want to talk about it,"

"Hey, it's okay. We don't have to talk right now," Y/N held Barry close and started sobbing again. She wasn't sure what to say or do. How was she supposed to help him when she was still so broken from that night? They eventually calmed down enough to speak.

"I'm going to try and go back to sleep," Y/N whispered, still crying.

"Okay," Barry stood up to lay back down on the floor.

"You-you don't have to,"

Barry looked up, "You-you're dating Tony." Just saying that made his heart break, "Don't you think that would be weird?"

"I think you and I both know how much we need each other right now,"

Barry wasn't going to argue. He awkwardly got into bed with Y/N. She snuggled into his chest and he put his arm around her. "This is so-" Barry thought, but he realized that he couldn't describe how he was feeling anymore. He was feeling too much at once. Barry and Y/N cried in silence until they finally fell asleep.

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