Chapter 15

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1:45 AM

Barry paced anxiously. "Why would Y/N want to see him this late? What did she need to tell him so badly? Is it just a coincidence that this happened the same day that the thing that killed his mom visited him?" Barry wondered. Barry decided that 1:45 was close enough and started walking to Y/N's house.

2:00 AM

"Y/N?" Barry whispered. He looked around and saw Y/N sobbing on her porch.

"Y/N," he ran to her and hugged her tightly.

Y/N sobbed into Barry's shoulder. Barry hated seeing her like this. What could have happened? Was it Tony?

Y/N brushed the tears off her cheeks and tried to calm herself, "I'm sorry,"

"Hey, it's okay. What happened?"

Y/N looked out into the darkness.


"I don't know if I can tell you," Y/N started crying again.

"You know you can trust me, right?"

"I know it's just, I haven't really talked much about this to anyone before,"

Barry started thinking about his mom and the blur. He started thinking about how he'd shut himself off. He hugged Y/N tightly as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Barry? What's wrong?"

Barry started sobbing. He didn't ever want to let Y/N go. She was the only person he had left that made him feel whole. He couldn't see his dad very often. She was all he had. What if he told her and it just made things worse?

"You can trust me too," Y/N held him close. She felt like she needed to protect him. She'd never felt like that before.

"I haven't really talked about my problems either," Barry was still hugging Y/N tightly.

They sat there sobbing for a few minutes, finding comfort in each other's company.

"You don't have to tell me tonight," Y/N said.

Barry nodded, finally releasing Y/N, "And you don't have to tell me tonight either,"

They sat there for a bit, both trying to calm down. It was so peaceful out in the darkness, and yet inside their heads it was a war zone. Thoughts constantly coming and going. Both wondering about everything. Each other, themselves, the blur, the world. It was overwhelming.

Barry noticed Y/N had goosebumps, "Are you cold?"

"A little,"

"Do you want to go to bed? I can go."

"No, no please stay. I don't want to be alone tonight."

Barry was glad she'd said that. He didn't want to be alone either.

"Come on let's go inside," Y/N stood up. She had run out of tears and she was so exhausted she thought she might fall asleep before she got upstairs.

Y/N helped Barry get up and they quietly walked inside. Barry started over to the couch when Y/N grabbed his arm, "We can't let my parents know you're here. Come on, you can sleep in my room tonight,"

Barry followed her up the stairs. He felt very awkward, but he was so overwhelmed that it didn't matter.

Y/N pulled a sleeping bag and pillow out of her closet and handed it to Barry, "Here."

"Thanks," Barry whispered, unrolling the sleeping bag. He laid down and fell asleep almost instantly.

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