Chapter 48

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Later that night

"Do you want me to come over and help you unpack some more?" Barry asked.

"If you want. I still haven't seen your place though."

"You have."


"8 years ago."

"You still live with Joe?"

Barry scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah."

"Do you ever plan on moving out?"

"I just haven't found the right place yet I guess."

"Have you looked?"

"No. I guess I just don't want to be alone. Even at college I still had someone else staying with me in my dorm," Barry admitted.

"You don't feel safe. It makes sense, given our history. This is the first time I've ever lived by myself too. I do think we should try to find you your own place though."

Barry nodded as Y/N unlocked the door to her apartment. Moving boxes still littered the apartment, but it was starting to resemble a home.

"Can you help me put my bed together? I've been sleeping on the couch since I got here and my neck is starting to really hurt."



"Barry I'm going to order Chinese food. Do you want anything?"

"Look who you're talking to."

"Oh right. Barry Allen: The man who can eat five meals a day and still be hungry."

"I'll pay for the food."

"Barry, there is no way I'm letting you do that," Y/N laughed.

Barry smiled and Y/N's heart melted. Would seeing him smile ever get old? Not likely.

"It's rude to stare," Barry chuckled, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts.

"O-oh sorry." Y/N looked away, blushing slightly.


"Barry those are mine!" Y/N giggled, snatching the egg rolls out of Barry's hands.

"Hey! I can have one!"


"You're so mean," Barry joked, pretending to be upset.

Y/N handed him an egg roll and said, "Here. You can have one."

"Yay!" Barry cheered, happily taking the egg roll.

"You're such a child," Y/N laughed.

"Am not."

"Are too."


Barry and Y/N both burst out laughing.

"See what I mean?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Hey, Barry?"

"Yes beautiful?"

Y/N smiled at the use of the nickname. "Did you ever learn anything else about the Reverse Flash?"

Barry frowned and thought for a moment. "No. I tried, but there just isn't enough information on him to really figure anything out. I'm assuming you didn't either?"


"You aren't a speedster yet, right?"

"Barry, if I was a speedster, I would be completely unpacked by now."

"When do you think it's going to happen? And how?"

"I don't know. I think about it a lot actually. I always ask myself, will today be the day that I become a hero?"

"Me too. I want to help people, but I also like the life I have right now. Even more, now that you're here."

They sat in silence for a few moments. "The particle accelerator."


"It's supposed to change the world, right?"


"What if that's how? What if this has something to do with STAR Labs?" Y/N asked excitedly.

"That's actually really smart. Maybe it's some research project they're doing?"

"Maybe we volunteer for something and we end up as speedsters as the result?"

"It's an idea. I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

AN- I'm aware my jokes are awful...but I'm still so proud of my Star Wars joke...

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