Chapter 6

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"Hey, Iris, have you seen Barry? He said he would be back by 8, but he's still not home," Joe said as he entered Iris' room.

"No, I think I know what's wrong, though. I'll go find him." Iris grabbed her keys off her desk.

Iris ran outside and quickly got in the car. She drove until she reached a small field. Barry used to come here all the time after his mom was murdered. Iris got out of the car and walked over to the creek at the edge of the field.

"Barry?" she called.

"Go away," Barry shouted through sobs.

"Barry." Iris ran over to him.

"Go. Away." Barry pushed Iris away and stared at the water, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

Iris checked her watch. "Barry, it's almost 8:30, you need to come home."

"No," Barry stated, "Leave me alone."

"Barry." Iris put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"I said leave me alone," Barry snapped.

Iris stood up hesitantly and walked away. She knew she would only make him angrier. She started the car and drove home.

"Iris? Where's Barry?" Joe asked when she walked in.

"He's at the field again. I think the best thing we can do for him tonight is to give him some space," Iris said as she started up the stairs.

Barry stayed at the stream for another hour, crying the whole time. He couldn't believe that Y/N had said no. And that she was with Tony. Tony of all people! Did Tony do this on purpose? Did he know that this would break him? Barry stood up and walked home. He quietly opened the door and ran upstairs to his room. He laid in his bed, thinking, crying, and eventually, he was sleeping.

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