Chapter 9

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February 23, 2006

"Barry, please come to prom. You can hang out with Eddie and me!" Iris argued.

"I'm not going," Barry shut his locker.


"No. I don't want to see her with Tony."

"Just for a little bit?"

"You really aren't going to let this go, are you?" Barry asked.

"Nope," Iris smiled.

Barry paused, "Just for a little while."

"Yes!" Iris cheered, hugging him tightly.

The warning bell rang and Barry headed off to Chemistry. He didn't want to go to prom, but he wanted to make Iris happy.

"Hey, Barry, you never told me how you got that bruise," Y/N said as he sat down.

Barry thought for a moment, "Should he tell her?" As much as he hated Tony, he didn't want Y/N to be unhappy.

"Oh, um, it's nothing," Barry opened his textbook.

"It isn't nothing. Look, I get that you're upset, but I still want to be friends,"

Before Barry could stop himself he muttered, "Tony is why we can't be,"

"Tony? Did he do this to you?" Y/N looked concerned.

"Um, no, he didn't, um, no," Barry tried to think of an explanation, "I, um, fell off my skateboard,"

"Barry you don't have a skateboard. Tony did this to you, didn't he? Meet me at lunch, the second table from the back,"

Barry nodded and class started.

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