Chapter 36

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Y/N squinted at the bright light that beamed down on her face. She looked around to see Barry sitting in a chair next to her, still unconscious. Her hands were tied behind her back, but thankfully she'd put her phone in her back pocket. She slid her hand in her back pocket only to find that her phone was no longer there. "Damn it," she cursed under her breath. "Barr?" she whispered, nudging him slightly.

He woke and turned to face Y/N, "What the hell?"

"Well, well, the two little lovebirds have awoken!" the Reverse Flash sneered as he emerged from the shadows. Y/N watched the bright light reflecting off the red lightning bolt on his chest. She had to admit, his suit was pretty cool for a murderer. "Do you realize what you could have done? Thankfully, nothing important changed, but that's only because I got there in time."

"Uh, no, sorry we don't really know what we could have done. You haven't really explained much," Y/N said as she sat up slightly in her chair. She was getting sick of being pushed around. She was sick of her life being controlled.

"You know about the future now! Don't you understand that that knowledge could cause unknown ruptures in the timeline?!" he yelled, his voice full of rage.

"What is this timeline you keep talking about?" Barry asked.

He sighed, "When someone time travels, learns about the future, etcetera, the original timeline is changed. Thankfully, you didn't learn enough to change anything too important."

"If we didn't change anything too important, then why did you kidnap us?" Barry questioned.

"You disobeyed me. I told you specifically not to touch anything! You need to learn who's at the top of this hierarchy."

"The top of the hierarchy depends on the bottom," Y/N shot back.

"True, but I can put you both through immense pain. I just need you to stay alive." Y/N and Barry glanced at each other.

"Our I owe you?" Y/N suggested.

"Sorry, you're going to have to wait to use that." He sped towards them and punched them both in the stomach. They groaned, both dreading what would come next. "You need to learn this lesson" He kicked Y/N in the kidney, causing her to roll over and groan louder.

"Don't touch her! It was my fault, I touched it, not her. Please! Do whatever you want to me, but let her be!" Barry pleaded. The Reverse Flash towered over him.

"Thanks for the idea," he punched Barry in the chest, causing the chair to tip, but thankfully not fall over. He sped over and untied Y/N. "How about this? I torture your little girlfriend and you sit there and watch."

"No! Don't touch her! Please! I'll do anything! Just let her go!" Barry screamed.

"No," he snickered, throwing Y/N to the floor.

"No! Please!" Barry was sobbing now.

"I love you, Barry."

"I love you too. More than anything."

"Aww, how sweet." The Reverse Flash kicked Y/N in the side, finding joy in her screams.

"Please," Barry sobbed. The Reverse Flash pulled out the silver dagger he'd used on Barry months before. "No! Please! Not her!" He dragged the dagger across Y/N's arm, cutting deeply. Y/N cried out in pain, which only caused Barry to sob harder. All he wanted was a normal life. Just a normal life with Y/N. One where the Reverse Flash didn't exist, where they weren't constantly tormented, where they could live a life without fear, but that clearly was never going to happen for them. Blood was gushing from Y/N's arm, but the Reverse Flash wasn't done yet. He punched her in the gut, leaving her out of breath. "Please, please, I've learned my lesson, please just stop," Barry begged.

"Okay fine. Your turn." He tied Y/N back up and untied Barry.

"No! Barry!" Y/N cried, struggling to stay conscious. The Reverse Flash kicked Barry's calves, causing him to fall to his knees. He grabbed the dagger from the floor and cut across Barry's back. He shrieked as he fell all the way to the floor. "Please! He doesn't deserve this! Please! I've learned my lesson!"

"He does deserve this, and I'm not sure you have learned your lesson yet," the blur spoke. Barry moaned as he felt a shoe slam into his side.

"Please!" Y/N begged. The Reverse Flash ignored her, taking pleasure in their pain. He picked up Barry by the throat and pinned him up against the wall. "Please stop!" Y/N sobbed as she started seeing spots.

"No," he said, punching Barry in the stomach and then in the mouth. "Have you both learned your lesson?"

"Yes! Please! Just let us go!" Y/N pleaded.

"Fine." He let go of Barry who crumpled to the floor. "Here's your I owe you. I'll take you back to Joe's house instead of leaving you here." He grabbed Barry's limp body and sped to Joe's house. Y/N was picked up a few seconds later and sped to Joe's house. She felt her body hit the floor and saw Barry lying next to her. Darkness started clouding her vision.

"I love you, Barry," Y/N mouthed before passing out.

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