Chapter 24

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Y/N heard ambulance sirens wailing and before she knew it first responders were taking him away.

"Please, let me come!" Y/N begged.

"I'm sorry, Miss," one of the first responders put a hand on her shoulder.

"Please! I'm his best friend! He would want me to be there!" Y/N pleaded as they wheeled him into the ambulance.

"Y/N? What happened?" Joe ran over, tears streaming down his cheeks "Where's Barry? Is he okay? What happened?"

Y/N sobbed into Joe's shoulder, "It-it was all my fault. I couldn't help him."

"Hey, your friend is in good hands. You saved his life," the first responder told her before closing the ambulance doors.

"Joe, it was here and then-then Barry was-and then-"

"What was here?" Joe sat her down on the driveway.

"The thing-the thing that killed our parents. It took him a-and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't do anything," Y/N sobbed.

"Wait, that thing is back?"

Y/N nodded, "Didn't Barry tell you? It visited us on prom night."

"No, he didn't. What did it want with you guys? Why did it come back?" Joe couldn't believe this was happening.

"The first time it came, it said that it-that it needed us. And then tonight, it just told us it was bored and then Barry-he took him and-" Y/N was too upset to continue.

"Hey, it's okay. Barry's going to be okay. Have you called your parents yet?" Joe wrapped Y/N in a hug. She'd been around so much that he was starting to think of her as a daughter.

Y/N shook her head, "I haven't really had the time."

"Well we need to call them."

"Okay, but they can't know about the blur."

"Y/N, I'm not sure if we can cover this up. They're going to have to know at some poi-"

Y/N cut him off, "Please, Joe. I'm just not ready. Not after tonight. Can't we just pretend this didn't happen? I could clean up the blood and we could just say, I don't know, maybe Barry had a seizure?"

"I still don't think it's the best idea, but I'm not going to fight you on this right now. Come on, we should get to the hospital," Joe helped Y/N to her feet.

15 minutes later

"How is he? Can we see him? Please I need to see him!" Y/N yelled.

"He's lost a lot of blood, but he's strong," the nurse tried to comfort Y/N.

"Can we see him?" Joe asked.

"I don't know, give the doctors a few more minutes, okay?"

They nodded. To Y/N, those minutes felt like hours. "What if she never saw him again? What if that thing had killed him?" Y/N thought nervously. She couldn't lose anyone else, especially not Barry.

"Hey, Y/N? I never did thank you. You saved his life. I can't even imagine if he'd been alone-" tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Y/N? Joe? You can come see him now," the nurse gestured for them to follow her.

Y/N opened the door to Room 184 and they walked inside. She took one look at Barry and burst into tears. He was hooked up to all sorts of machines and was as white as the bedsheets.

"Barry," Y/N ran to his side and grabbed his hand.

Y/N looked back to see Joe frozen in the doorway.

Y/N looked back at Barry, "Barry, I'm here. I'll always be here. You're going to be okay. I promise."

Y/N walked over to Joe and hugged him, "He's going to be okay. He has to be okay."

Joe backed out of the room to go talk to his nurse about his condition. Y/N walked back over to Barry and held his hand again.

"It should have been me, not you. Why wasn't it me? I should have done more. I'm so sorry, Bar-" Y/N was interrupted by Barry.

"Barry! Oh my God! Someone please help! Barry!" Y/N screamed. Nurses and doctors rushed in and started working.

"No! I can't leave him!" Y/N screamed as a nurse pulled her away.

"You've just got to give them some room, okay?" the nurse said as Y/N saw Barry flatline.

"No!" Y/N sobbed.

"Y/N? What's going on?" Joe ran back into the hallway.

"He-he-" Y/N collapsed to the floor sobbing.

"He's flatlining," the nurse told Joe as she ran back into the room to help.

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