Chapter 8

416 17 2

February 22, 2006

Barry groaned as his alarm clock went off. He didn't want to go to school, but he couldn't miss the chemistry test. He slowly stood up and headed to the bathroom to get ready. 20 minutes later, he was eating cereal in the kitchen.

"Are you sure you want to go to school?" Iris asked.

"I don't have a choice. I've got my chemistry test today." Barry shoveled the rest of his cereal into his mouth, grabbed his keys, and left.

Barry thought about Y/N the whole drive. How could he sit next to her every day and not fall apart? At least Tony wasn't in Chemistry with them. He parked and started walking towards the building.

"Hey, Allen," Tony called out as he entered the hallway. "Hey, Allen, I'm talking to you," Tony pushed Barry into the lockers.

Barry groaned, "What is it this time?"

"You stay away from my girlfriend, you little creep," Tony warned, pushing him again, "Do you hear me?"

"Yeah," Barry managed to get out.

"Good." Tony pushed him one more time and walked away.

Iris walked into the hallway, "Barry! Are you okay? What happened?"

"Tony happened. I'll be fine. I've got to get to class." Barry stood up, catching his breath.

Iris hugged him. "Are you sure you don't want to go home?"

"I'm sure." Barry started walking to class.


Barry had avoided Y/N all day, but there was nothing he could do about Chemistry. At least they were taking a test. Barry finally walked in and sat down next to Y/N. He pretended like he didn't see her.

Y/N stayed silent. She knew she'd hurt Barry, but she hadn't realized how badly until she saw him. He had clearly been crying, but she wasn't going to mention it. That was until she noticed the dark bruise on his arm.

"Barry, what happened to your arm?" Y/N asked before she could stop herself.

Barry ignored her. He knew if he responded, he would break down again. He just needed class to start so he could focus on something else.

"Alright class, today you will be taking your stoichiometry and molecular composition assessment." Mr. Cooper started passing out the tests, "You can start when you get it."

Barry got his test and immediately started working.

1 hour later

Barry turned his test in and sat back down. He quickly pulled out a book, trying to keep his mind busy. Y/N turned in her paper and sat down. "How could I do this to someone? It's all my fault," Y/N thought, "He won't even look at me. How can I help him if he won't even acknowledge my existence?" The bell rang, and Barry immediately put his book away and started to walk out of the room.

"Barry?" Y/N grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.

"What do you want?" Barry turned, facing her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, knowing how stupid the question was.

"I'm fine," Barry turned and walked away before Y/N could stop him.

What was she going to do?

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