Chapter 28

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"Gideon, show me the future."

"Of course." A holographic newspaper appeared. April 25, 2024, Speedsters Missing Vanishes in Crisis.

"Perfect. Open my log. New entry."

"Of course," the newspaper disappeared.

"Today, Barry Allen is alive and well. He's smarter than I thought, but he's no match for me yet. He spends most of his time with his little girlfriend, Y/N. I wish I could kill them both now, but that will come later. I still need them. End of entry." the blur spoke, speeding out of the time vault.

June 9, 2006

"Are you ready to graduate?" Y/N asked Barry.

"Not really."

"Me neither. I wish our parents could be here to see us."

Barry nodded, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Come here," Y/N pulled Barry into a hug as several tears left her eyes.

"You don't think it's going to come visit us today, do you?" Barry pulled away from Y/N, fear in his eyes.

"I hope not, but I honestly don't know, Barr."

"I hate this! I hate that it controls our lives, I hate that we're so afraid of it, I hate that it's going to kill us and we can't even do anything to stop it!" Barry cried.

"I hate it too, Barry. I hate that we have to live our lives in fear," Y/N sat down on Barry's bed and held him until he calmed down.

"Thanks," Barry said as he sat up.

"Hey, I'm always here for you no matter what," Y/N slid her hand into his.

"I'm always here for you too."


"And now, I am pleased to present, Doctor Harrison Wells!"

"Oh my God!" Barry and Y/N whispered to each other. Harrison Wells was their idol. He was the founder of STAR Labs, which was currently working on creating the first particle accelerator.

1 hour later

"Barry Allen," the principal spoke. Barry walked up, trying to smile. He took the diploma and shook her hand. He looked out and saw Joe smiling in the third row. He was glad that Joe was there, but what he really wanted was his parents. He wished they could be there to see him graduate. His thoughts were interrupted by a flash of lightning. Sitting at the back of the auditorium, was the blur.

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