Chapter 20

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"Where the hell were you? Barry you can't just skip class! What has gotten into you?" Joe yelled.

"You don't understand,"

"What do I not understand, Barry?" Joe threw his hands in the air.

"I-I can't-I can't tell you," Barry struggled to hold back tears.

"Of course you can't. Barry I've tried to help you, but if you won't tell me, then there is nothing I can-"

"I found someone," Barry said quietly.

"What? Found someone? What does that even mean?"

"I found someone who believes me. They understand."

"Barry, what are you talking about?" Joe sat down.

"My mom-she wasn't the only one murdered that night."


"I wasn't the only kid who lost everything that night."

Joe pulled Barry into a hug, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I didn't really know until today."

"Barry I am so sorry for yelling at you. You were dealing with so much and I had no idea, I should have been a better father."

"You're an awesome father. You didn't know because I didn't tell you. I'm sorry."

"So, um, who is it?" Joe asked.

"Oh, um, her-her name is Y/N."

"Wait, Y/N? The girl you asked to prom?"

Barry nodded, "Her parents-they were murdered by the blur two minutes after my mom."

"Wait, hold on. The blur? The lightning in your house? That happened to someone else too? How did I never hear about this?"

"She was in Starling City," Barry said as he wiped his eyes on his sleeve.

Joe nodded, "Barry, I want you to know that no matter what, I am always here for you. You can always talk to me. Promise you'll stop keeping these things from me?"

"I promise."

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