Chapter 44

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"Ready to go?" Barry asked, leaning on Y/N's desk.

"Sure! Where are we going again?" Y/N stood up and grabbed her purse.

"Jitters. Do you want to walk or drive? I don't have a car so that could be a problem," Barry laughed.

"We can walk. It'll give us more time to catch up and maybe you can show me what's new in Central City."

"Okay, um, we could walk over near STAR Labs. They're building a particle accelerator!"

"I heard about that! That's going to literally-"

"-change the way that we think about everything!" Barry finished.


"So, how was college?" Barry asked, gripping his coffee as they walked through the city.

"It was fun and hard and...I don't How was Midwestern?"

"About the same. I went to a party."

"How did that go? Did you get drunk?"

"No! Do you really think I would do that?"

"Well I mean...I went to parties..."

Barry nearly spit his coffee out laughing, "You got drunk?!"

"Well, okay, so...yeah..."

Barry was struggling to hold his coffee. Y/N didn't think it was that funny, but she enjoyed watching Barry laugh.

"So, what else has happened in the past 8 years?" Y/N asked, trying to change the subject.

"Honestly, not much. I'm always so busy with work, I don't really have a social life."

"No girlfriend? For 8 years?"

"Nope. What about you?"

"I dated a lot actually."

Barry nodded silently, trying to keep the disappointment from showing on his face. "So much for another shot." Barry thought to himself.

"Are you dating anyone now?" he quizzed, knowing he was being incredibly obvious.

"Nope. The longest relationship I had in college was 2 months."

"Really?" Maybe all hope wasn't lost...

"Yeah. I don't know, I guess I just didn't find anyone I really cared about." "Oh my gosh you're being so obvious!" Y/N silently scolded herself.

"That's STAR Labs over there!" Barry pointed towards a large, circular building.


"Isn't it amazing?!"

"It's so awesome!"

"Do you want to watch them turn the accelerator on with me? It'll be a few months, but still."

"I'd love to!" Y/N enthused.

"I...I missed you," Barry said, his voice just above a whisper.

"I missed you too Barry." Hearing those words, Barry made a rash, and possibly one of the worst decisions of his life; he kissed her. Y/N was so shocked by the sudden action that she couldn't move. Realizing what he'd just done, he pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know, oh my gosh I'm-" Barry stammered, his face bright scarlet, but Y/N cut him off...with a kiss. 

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