Chapter 4

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"When a hydrate of Na2CO3 is heated until all the water is removed, it loses 54.3 percent of its mass. The formula of the hydrate is?" Y/N read the flashcard.

Barry thought for a second, "Na2CO3. 7 H2O!"

"Great! You're really good at this!" Y/N said as she flipped through to find a harder one.

"Here, let me quiz you now."

Barry grabbed the cards and read one, "The weight of H2SO4 (molecular weight 98.1) in 50.0 milliliters of a 6.00-molar solution is?"

Y/N thought for a moment, "29.4 grams!"

"Nice!" Barry complimented, putting the cards down, "Thank you,"

"For what?" Y/N asked, putting a rubber band around the cards.

"For, um, being so nice to me."

Barry looked down, blushing.

"Oh, um, you're welcome."

"Um, I think I should probably get going," Barry said, standing up quickly and walking towards the door.

"Okay, um, see you at school."


"So?!" Iris exclaimed as she looked at him expectantly.

Barry finished his math homework and put it away, "What?"

"How was studying? Did you ask her? What did she say?" Iris could barely contain her excitement.

"Um, it was good, and, no, I didn't." Barry looked up at Iris.

"Barr, you have to ask her at some point," Iris said, disappointedly.

"I guess. It's just that whenever I see her I just get all awkward and stuff-" Barry sat on his bed, "-I don't think I can do this."

"You absolutely can. Do you want help?" Iris asked, sitting next to him.

"No, no, I want to do it by myself, I think. Thanks, though," Barry hugged her.

"Come on, if you really want to thank me, you can help me with my homework."

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