Chapter 23

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Barry woke up in an old barn, "What the hell?" Barry thought to himself. He noticed his hands were tied behind his back.

"Y/N?" Barry called.

"Oh don't worry, your little girlfriend is doing just fine," the blur stepped out of the shadows.

"What did you do to her?" Barry asked, his teeth clenched.

"Nothing," the blur sped over and squatted down next to Barry, "Yet."

"Don't you dare touch her."

"And what are you going to do to stop me?"

Barry looked down silently. "That's what I thought."

"Why did you bring me here?" Barry asked.

"I was bored," the blur smacked Barry.

Barry's face stung, "Why am I tied up? You're clearly faster than I am. Why don't you untie me so this is a fair fight?"

"Oh, Barry, this fight will never be fair. I'm fast, you're slow. I'm strong, you're weak. I'm powerful, and you're nothing," the blur untied Barry.

Barry stood up and the blur immediately punched him in the stomach. Barry groaned as he fell to the floor. The blur kicked Barry in the side, "You're weak, Barry Allen."

The blur pulled Barry up onto his feet and punched him in the jaw. Barry could taste blood, but all he could only think about was Y/N. The blur sped over to Barry and slammed him into a wall, his hand gripping Barry's throat tightly. Barry grabbed at his throat, but it was no use. This thing was stronger than him. And faster. And far more powerful. The blur sped him back into the bedroom.

"Barry!" Y/N screamed, "Let him go! Please just let him go!"

"Oh okay. I'll let him go," the blur dropped Barry and kicked him in the gut.

"Please just stop hurting him!" Y/N sobbed.

The blur punched him in the jaw again, "No."

"Please. I'm begging you. Just leave him alone," Y/N sobbed.

The blur pulled out a silver dagger and stabbed it into his side before speeding off into the night.

"Barry!" Y/N ran to Barry's side. He was barely conscious.

"Y/N," Barry breathed.

"I'm here."

"I-I-" Barry passed out before he could finish.

Y/N quickly grabbed a belt and tied it around his waist to help stop the bleeding. She didn't want to leave him, but he needed help. She ran downstairs and called 9-11 and then Joe.

"Y/N? What are yo-"

"It's Barry," Y/N sobbed, "Joe please, he needs help."

"I'll be right there," Joe hung up.

Y/N ran back upstairs to Barry. He was pale and his pulse was weak. "Barry, please hold on, just hold on," Y/N sobbed.

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