Chapter 22

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3:24 AM, March 18, 2006

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here," Y/N comforted as she hugged Barry tightly. He'd just woken up from a nightmare.

"I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Hey, it's okay. What was the nightmare about?"

Barry paused, "My mom. I guess my nightmares are always about my mom. This day is always so hard."

"I'm sorry Barry. This is always a hard day for me too. I usually don't go to school and spend the whole day crying or distracting myself."

"I usually go visit her grave and then I go see my dad," Barry let go of Y/N.

"I always want to, but their graves are in Starling," Y/N said as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," Barry pulled her into another hug, "I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my dad. I just wish I could get him out of there."

"I remember when my dad took me fishing for the first time. He told me that patience was the key to success. Maybe we just need more time," Y/N suggested.

"I don't know. It's been 6 years. I just don't think we'll ever find enough evidence to get him out."

"Hey, it's worth a shot, right?"

Barry nodded, "Yeah you're right. Did you catch anything?"

Y/N smiled, "Yeah, yeah I did. It was just a little bluegill, but my dad was so proud of me."

"How old were you?"

"I was 5. Did your dad ever take you fishing?"

"Once. I was 4 and I never went again."

"Why not?"

"I, um, I fell in the water. Is that lame?" Barry's cheeks felt hot.

Y/N laughed, "No, I did that once too."


"No. That would be so lame," Y/N smiled.

They sat there for a few moments before Y/N asked, "Truth or dare?"

Barry smiled slightly, "Truth."

"Would you rather me kill you with a knife like you're mother? Or would you rather me stop your heart with my bare hand?"

Barry and Y/N both jumped up, "Wha-What do you want this time?" Y/N asked, clutching Barry.

"Just wanted to have a little fun," the blur grabbed Barry and ran off before Y/N could even blink.

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