Chapter 25

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Y/N could hardly breathe. Barry was in that room dying. No, he was already dead. She'd lost him. She had never really realized how much she cared about him. All the days at school, all the afternoons spent working on their parents' case, all those nights they comforted each other and she had never realized. But now he would never know. He would never know how much she cared about him. Iris ran into the hallway, "Wha-what's going on? Dad called me but said he was okay."

"He-he," Y/N couldn't say it. She couldn't say that the person she cared about most was dead.

Y/N knew what was going on in that room. They were trying desperately to bring him back. "Please come home to me, Barry. Please," Y/N whispered.

The doctors and nurses started filing out of Barry's room. "He's going to be okay," one of the nurses told them, smiling.

Y/N jumped to her feet. He'd held on. He was going to be okay. She hadn't lost him. Y/N ran into the room with Joe and Iris, tears clouding her vision. Barry was still unconscious, but he was here.

5 hours later

Y/N never left Barry's side. Joe had left to grab a few coffees while they were waiting and Iris had left to call Eddie.

Y/N grabbed Barry's hand, "Barry, I know you can't hear me, but I care about you. I care about you more than anyone in the world. I didn't realize it until I almost lost you."

"I care about you too," Barry whispered with a smile on his face.

"Oh my God, Barry. I-I-"

"I'm okay, and this wasn't your fault," Barry interrupted.

"Barry you died," Y/N sobbed into his chest, "I watched you die, Barry, your heart stopped."

Barry put her hand on his chest, "It's still beating. I'm still here, and I'm never going to leave you."

Y/N's smile faded, "Why would it try to kill you when it said it needed you? Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless it knew you would survive. It may be cruel, but it isn't stupid."

"Wait? Are you saying this thing can like, see the future?"

"I don't know, it's possible."

Joe walked in and ran to Barry, "You're awake. Barry I was so scared, I thought I'd lost you."

Barry smiled, "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"Where's Iris?" Joe asked.

"She's on the phone with Eddie."

"I'm going to go tell her you're awake," Joe left the room, leaving them alone again.

"Y/N, lets not worry about this right now, okay?" Barry wiped the tears off her cheeks. "Come here," Barry patted the bed next to him.

"Barry, you're hurt."

"Just come lay down for a bit, you look exhausted."

Y/N lay down next to him, "I can't imagine my life without you."

Barry smiled, "I can't imagine living without you either."

Iris ran into the room, "Oh my God, Barry! I was so scared! Don't you ever do that again!"

"Yeah I don't plan on it," Barry smiled.

"Good, now what's happening here?" Iris gestured to Y/N who had fallen asleep next to Barry.

"Oh, um, she just looked really tired."

"Yeah you're holding her in your arms. Would you like to try again?"

"I'm going to give you two a minute, Iris' squeal is really loud," Joe walked out of the room and shut the door.

"She, um, she told me she cares about me. And I care about her too," Barry blushed a deep crimson.

Iris squealed," Oh my God Barry I'm so happy for you two! Did you ask her out? Are you two an item now?"

"Um, no not yet."

"Then ask her!"

"I will, but she's sleeping right now."

Joe walked back into the room, "Are you two done?"

Barry smiled, "Yes please let's be done with this conversation."

"Alright come on Iris, let's let him get some rest."

They left and Barry closed his eyes and fell asleep to the sound of Y/N's steady breathing.

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