Chapter 34

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1 week later

"Who is The Flash?" Y/N asked Barry.

"What are you talking about?"

"He said he's the Reverse Flash meaning he's the reverse of The Flash, right?"

"Yeah. Maybe the guy who's coming to, you know..."

Y/N thought for a moment, "Maybe."

"Anyway, do you want to go get ice cream or something? I could use a good distraction from this."

"I'd like that," Y/N smiled as she clasped his hand in hers. Barry smiled back as they walked to his car.

5 minutes later

"What the hell Barry!" Y/N yelled, laughing.


"How did you get your driver's license?!"

"Oh come on I'm not that bad!"

"Barry we've been driving for, like, 5 minutes and you've nearly gotten us in a wreck twice!"

"Okay, well, the first time wasn't my fault!" Barry laughed. Y/N looked up and saw a streak of green lightning pass in front of the car. Barry slammed on the brakes and they got out of the car. He pulled out the device the Reverse Flash had given them. "Should we?"

"Do it." Barry pushed the button. A few seconds later the Reverse Flash was standing next to them.

"Green lightning?" he asked. Y/N and Barry nodded. "You need to get out of here. Hold on tight, and don't touch anything." He grabbed Y/N and Barry and sped them both to a strange room.

"What the hell..." Barry looked around in awe. The room had bright white lights, braille on the walls, and a sleek, white pedestal towards the back of the room. Barry walked over to the pedestal and studied the light in the center.

"What do you think it is?" Y/N asked, crouching down next to him.

"Your guess is as good as mine." He reached out his hand to touch it, but Y/N grabbed his hand.

"We aren't supposed to touch anything," she reminded him.

"Come on, this guy is our greatest enemy. Why should we listen to him? We already gave him a huge favor."

"I wouldn't say that we did him a favor by letting him save us."

"But we did! He needs us. Come on, please?" Barry gave her his best puppy eyes.

"Fine, but if anything goes wrong, it's entirely your fault." 

Barry reached out and placed his hand on the light. He jumped back as a female hologram appeared.

"Hello, Barry Allen," the hologram spoke.

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