Chapter 7

437 17 0

February 21, 2006

Barry woke up to the smell of pancakes. His eyes felt swollen, and they were still red. He noticed how bright it was outside and looked at the clock. It read 11 AM. "What!" Barry thought as he scrambled to get out of bed.

"Good, you're awake." Iris was standing in his doorway with a plate of pancakes. "We thought we'd let you stay home from school today."

Iris sat the plate down and walked over to Barry.

"What about you? You've still got school." Barry avoided eye contact as he sat down on his bed.

"I thought I should stay home to make sure you're okay." Iris sat down on his bed.

"You said she'd say yes. I believed in myself and asked her, and she said no. She's going with Tony. How did someone like him end up with her?" Barry's eyes filled with tears.

"Barr, I really thought she would. You're so amazing, and if she doesn't see that, then she doesn't deserve you." Iris hugged him tightly.

Barry grabbed the plate of pancakes and sat back down next to Iris. He wasn't hungry, but he wanted to make Iris feel better.

"Do you want to talk more?" Iris asked.

Barry swallowed and shook his head, "Can we just watch movies and eat ice cream all day?"

Iris laughed, "If that's what you need, then yes."


Y/N hadn't seen Barry or Iris all day. She knew it was her fault, but she couldn't cancel on Tony. Besides, she barely even knew Barry. He couldn't like her that much, could he?

"Hey," Tony walked over and slid his arm around Y/N's waist.

"Hey, Tony," Y/N greeted with a smile, "Do you know Barry?"

"Allen? Yeah, why?" Tony asked.

"Are you two friends?" Y/N looked up at him.

"What? No! He's such a weirdo!" Tony exclaimed, "Why?"

"No reason. I'll see you later?"

"Sure," Tony replied as they parted ways.


"Barry, you need to slow down! We're running out of ice cream!" Iris grabbed the almost-empty carton out of his hands. Barry grabbed it back and took another bite. It helped a bit, but all he could think about was Y/N.

"Barr? You okay?" Iris noticed his eyes filling with tears again.

"I'm fine," Barry brushed them away and continued watching the movie.

"No, no, you're not," Iris paused the movie.

"Iris, really, there's nothing to talk about." Barry took another bite of ice cream.

"Barry, you're still going to prom, right?" Iris asked.

"No. She'll be there with Tony. Iris, why would you think I would want to go watch my dream girl with someone else?" Barry set the ice cream down.

"Barry, don't let this ruin prom for you. There will be someone else. You'll see," Iris unpaused the movie and comforted Barry.

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