Chapter 42

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2 weeks later

"Barry! I got accepted! And you got a letter too!" Y/N yelled as she burst through the front door.

"What are you talking about? Also did you check our mail?" he laughed.

"I'm going to the University of Southern California!" Y/N handed him the envelope and squeezed his arm as he opened it.

"I got in at Midwestern!" Barry's face lit up, but dimmed a few moments later. He looked up, struggling to hold back tears, "We aren't going to go to college together?"

Y/N's excitement melted away. She'd never really considered that. "I-I guess not. But we could do long distance though, right? A lot of couples-"

Barry jumped up and turned to face her, "I don't want to do long distance!" Tears were streaming down his face, anger, pain, and confusion in his eyes.

"Barry, I love you, but I didn't get into Midwestern and you didn't get into USC."

"I love you too, but I can't imagine living without you. You're here everyday!"

"Barry, our relationship can't change that! Whether we love each other or not, we aren't going to college together." Y/N was trying to stay calm, but anger was starting to slip through.

"Y/N, I don't want to spend the next four years waiting for someone. I want to live my life!"

"Barry what are you saying?"

"I-I'm saying that maybe we should..." He couldn't finish the sentence. He loved her, but he didn't want to spend four years loving someone he wasn't going to be able to see everyday. Sure they could call, but was it really worth all the waiting? What if they saw each other again and broke up not long after? Would it have been worth the wait? "Maybe we just need a break..."

"You're breaking up with me?"

"Y/N I-"

"Save it!" She stood up and started towards the door, but Barry cut her off.

"Y/N, I don't want to, I love you!"

"If you loved me, you would be willing to wait."

"Y/N I do love you it's just-" Y/N slammed the door in his face and ran out of the house, tears blurring her vision. Barry banged his head against the front door before he collapsed, sobbing. Joe had heard their fight from the kitchen and knelt by Barry's side. He tried to comfort Barry, but he pulled away. The only person Barry wanted was the girl he'd just broken up with.

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