Chapter 11

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February 24, 2006

"What do you think?" Iris showed Barry her prom dress.

"It's beautiful," Barry smiled.

"Thanks. What are you going to wear?" Iris asked.

"I don't know,"

"Barry prom is tonight and you don't even know what you're wearing yet?"

"I just decided I was going yesterday," Barry defended.

Iris started going through his closet, "Don't you have anything nice?"

"Yeah, I think there's a dress shirt in there somewhere," Barry stood up to help her look.

"Barry there is no way that shirt still fits you."

"Well then I guess I can't go to prom."

"Haha. You really don't have anything?" Iris looked at him and Barry shook his head.

"I guess we're going shopping then," Iris grabbed Barry's arm and pulled him out the door.


Y/N held up her prom dress. It was so beautiful. It was too bad that you only got to wear it for one night. Y/N put the dress on and went into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup.


"What about this one?" Barry joked, holding up a t-shirt.

"Are you going to be any help at all?" Iris laughed.

"No probably not. But I'll try on whatever I guess,"

"Come on dress shirts are this way," Iris grabbed his arm and pulled him to the right.

"Whoa," Barry was overwhelmed.

"Yeah this is a lot," Iris said walking over to one of the racks, "Do you at least know what colors you like?"

"Um...not yellow?"

"Okay...that wasn't helpful at all," Iris continued looking through the racks.


I finished my hair and makeup. It took hours but at least it looked good. Y/N looked at the clock. Prom was in 2 hours and she had nothing to do. "Maybe I'll just start my homework," Y/N thought. Y/N was pulling out her chemistry books when she heard a noise.

"Hello?" Y/N looked around.

"Hello, Y/N Y/L/N."

"You killed my parents that night. What do you want?" Y/N backed against the wall.

"Just wanted to tell you to have fun tonight," the blur brought it's hand to Y/N's chest, "And that I want to destroy you."

The blur put it's hand down, "But I can't. Not yet at least. I still need you."

The blur zoomed out of Y/N's bedroom.

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