Chapter 41

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Y/N woke up to find Barry in her arms, still sleeping peacefully. She took the time to look around his bedroom. Even though she'd been in his room a million times, she'd never taken the time to appreciate the science posters that decorated the light blue walls, the science fair awards piled onto a small shelf above his desk, or the cream colored rug that lay on the dark, richly-colored floors.

Barry shifted in her arms as his eyes fluttered open. "Morning," he said in a low, raspy voice.

"Morning sleepy head."

"What time is it?"

Y/N glanced over at the alarm clock on his nightstand. "Uh, 8:34. What do you want to do today?"

"Um, for starters, I'm going to take that pain med. After that kicks in, I don't know." Y/N reached over and grabbed one of the pill bottles and glasses of water from his nightstand and passed it to him. Barry sat up slightly, wincing as pain shot through his back.

"Movie? We could watch Singing In The Rain. That one's my favorite."

"Really? My mom and I used to watch it all the time. Don't you think it's weird how crazy similar our lives are?"

"Yeah it is kind of weird. Is that a yes?"

"Yeah just give me a second. Also you still need to take your pain med." The pain in Barry's back had subsided, but he knew moving would trigger it again.

"Oh yeah. The last one is just starting to wear off so I don't feel much yet." Y/N took her pill and snuggled into Barry's chest.

"How are you guys feeling?" Joe asked as he opened the door.

"It hurts to move, but if I just stay like this I feel somewhat okay," Barry answered.


"I mean, I'm sore of course, but the pain meds take care of the pain in my arm."

"Are you guys hungry? I made pancakes and eggs." Y/N and Barry nodded.

"We'll be down in a few minutes," Barry said and Joe turned to leave. Y/N kissed Barry's cheek and got out of bed.

"I need a shower," she laughed.

"Me too. How long until we can shower?"

"Uh, I think they said we could shower once we got our stitches out." Barry sighed as he pushed the blanket off of him. Y/N helped him get out of bed and down the stairs.

"Morning Iris," Barry greeted. Iris didn't acknowledge him and kept staring at her empty plate. "Iris?" She continued to ignore him and left the room. "What's up with Iris?'

"She's upset that we're hiding what happened to you guys from her. I understand, but she doesn't need to get involved in this," Joe replied.

"I agree. The less she knows, the safer she'll be," Y/N said before shoveling eggs into her mouth.

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