Chapter 47

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The next day

"Wow you really have gotten worse," Y/N laughed as Barry leaned against her for support.

"I don't know if I should be offended or glad that I was right."

Barry slipped backwards and Y/N swiftly caught and steadied him.


"You're welcome." Y/N skated and Barry hobbled across the ice for fifteen very awkwards seconds before Y/N finally broke the silence. "What else is new?"

"Uh good question."

"8 years and you have no stories to tell?"

Barry thought for a moment before replying. "I, uh, I crashed Joe's car..."

"Impressive. How did that go?" Y/N asked, her voice dripping in sarcasm.

"About as well as you would expect."

Y/N nodded. "How did it happen?"

"I-I got distracted..."


Barry paused for a moment. "I thought I saw him, but I was wrong and before I knew it I had slammed into the guard rail."

"Why didn't you call me?" Y/N quizzed, upset that she hadn't known this before.

"It wasn't too long after you'd left and I didn't want to trouble you I guess. I got a pretty neat scar though," Barry said, leaning against the wall for support as he pulled the hem of his shirt down enough to see the jagged scar that cut across his collar bone.

"You still should have called."

"Next time, you'll be the first one I tell."

"How about there is no next time, okay?"

"I'll do my best."

"Did he um, did he ever come talk to you again?" Y/N asked, changing the subject.

"No. I'm assuming he never talked to you again either?"

"No. Part of me's glad, but the other part of me wonders what he's been up to."

"Yeah. Can we talk more about this later?"

"Sure. Do you want to keep hobbling around the ice or go get coffee?"

"Coffee please," Barry laughed as he continued to shamble across the ice towards the exit.


"I'll have a black coffee and she'll have a Y/F/D."

"Anything else?" the barista asked.

"That'll do it!" Barry replied cheerfully, pulling out his wallet.

"Barry, you paid last night."

"Yeah, well this is a date there's no way you're paying."

He handed the barista fifteen dollars. "Keep the change."

Y/N and Barry sat down at a table as they waited for their drinks.

"You still remember my coffee order?"

"I remembered that today would have been our anniversary. Do you really think I would forget your coffee order?"

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