Chapter 26

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Barry woke up to see Y/N curled up beside him. She looks really cute when she's sleeping," Barry thought to himself, smiling. He tried to adjust his position, but cried out when he was met with a searing pain in his side. Y/N immediately bolted awake, "What?! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just stupid," Barry clenched his teeth.

"What were you doing?"

"I was trying to sit up..."

"Really? You just got stabbed and that was your bright idea? Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'll be fine. Can you hand me that glass of water?"

Y/N nodded and reached over to grab the glass of water that was sitting on the table beside his bed. "Thanks," Barry gratefully took it, "Hey, Y/N?"


"How bad do I look right now? I haven't even seen myself yet."

"Oh, um, well your jaw, shoulders, and ribs are all very bruised, and, um, you're still somewhat pale," Y/N slid her hand into his, "But I don't care. As long as you're here."

Barry smiled, "Why don't I feel anything? I didn't even realize how bruised I was and the pain in my side isn't nearly as bad as it should be."

"Barr, you're on a lot of painkillers," Y/N laughed.

"Oh, right. That actually makes sense."

"Good morning," Joe said as he walked in.

"Is that coffee?" Y/N asked, smiling.

Joe handed her a cup, "Sure is."

"Hey, why don't I get any?"

"Sorry, Barr, you can only have water for now," Joe smiled as Barry pretended to pout.

"Something tells me you aren't just here for coffee," Y/N set her coffee down.

"I mean I'm here to check on Barry, but I also need to ask you guys something. What do you know about this thing? Why would it take Barry? What does it want with you guys?"

Barry frowned, "We really don't know much. It said it needed us, but it hasn't told us why."

"Wait, if this thing needs you guys, then why would it try to kill Barry?" Joe looked confused.

"We have a theory, but it's kind of crazy and we don't really have any solid evidence," Y/N looked up at Joe.

"Crazier than the blur?"

"I guess not. We think that maybe this thing knows more than us. He wouldn't risk hurting Barry if he thought Barry would actually die. We were thinking that maybe he can, I don't know, see the future or something."

Joe was silent for a moment, "That still doesn't explain why he took Barry."

"He told us he was bored, but I don't know. I think maybe he's trying to show us how much power he has over our lives," Barry said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Y/N put her arm around him reassuringly, "It's okay, you're safe now."

"Y/N, I don't think the word safe applies to us anymore. This thing could come and kill us right now and we would be powerless to stop it."

"Barr, we're going to figure this out, but for now, get some rest," Joe stood up and walked over to Barry, "Okay?"


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