Chapter 49

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December 30, 2014

"I'm so excited!" Barry squealed.

"You sound like a little girl about to meet Justin Bieber," Y/N said in between laughs.

"Very funny."

"I'm excited too though! Do you want to get something to eat before we go? I'm kind of hungry."

"I was hoping you would say that. I'm starving."

"Of course you are. Burgers?"

"Yes! You literally read my mind," Barry replied.

"Okay cool. I'm buying."

"You are most certainly not!" Barry shot back.


Barry cut her off, "Y/N, we're on a date. I'm paying."

"We aren't technically on a date yet..."

"Well then this is officially a date starting now. Come on!" Barry said, pulling Y/N out the door.


Barry leaned back in the wooden booth, sipping on his soda. Y/N looked so beautiful. She always looked beautiful to him and nothing would ever change that.

"Allen, you're staring."

"Oh, um, just look so beautiful," Barry said, warmth creeping into his cheeks. Even though he loved her and had known her for so long, she still had this magical effect on him.

"Thanks I try," Y/N laughed.

Barry grinned. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Barr."

Barry leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"We should probably get going," Y/N said as she grabbed her purse in one hand and her trash in the other.

"Yeah probably."


"My name is Harrison Wells, and tonight, the future begins. The work my team and I will do here will change our understanding of physics, will bring about advancements in power, advancements in medicine, and trust me, that future will be here faster than you think," Harrison Wells spoke.

The audience, including Barry and Y/N, all clapped.

"This is so exciting!" Barry whispered to Y/N.

"I know!"

"Hey!" Y/N yelled as she felt her purse pulled out of her hands. Barry immediately ran after the guy and Y/N tried to keep up with him, but soon lost him in the crowd.


"Barry! Are you okay?!" Y/N asked as she ran up to him.

"I'm fine," Barry grunted, clutching his stomach. "I didn't get your bag though."

"I'm just glad you're okay."

"Is this yours?" Eddie asked, holding up Y/N's purse.

"Eddie!" Y/N exclaimed, glad she wasn't going to have to freeze her credit card. "Thank you so much!"

"No problem. Is Barry alright?"

"I'm fine," Barry said, still clutching his stomach.

"Let's go home, Barry."

"Are you sure?"

"Barry, they already turned it on. There's no point in staying now. I'm sorry we missed it."

"It's okay. Can we stop in the lab? I think I left my sweatshirt there."


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