Chapter 33

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Barry and Y/N sat in silence, trying to comprehend all the things this "Reverse Flash" had told them. "How could he expect them to help him? He'd ruined their lives and he plans on killing them anyway!" Barry thought, looking at the device he'd been given. Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but only sobs came out. Barry wrapped his arms around her tightly as he began sobbing as well.

"Barry? Y/N?" Iris walked in the front door and saw them sobbing on the couch. "What's going on?" Barry looked up, his eyes red. He shook his head. He couldn't explain. Not now, not ever. Iris couldn't know about this and he was too overwhelmed to speak. "I'm going to call dad," Iris ran to get the phone from the kitchen. Barry wanted to stop her, but he couldn't. He just couldn't. A minute later, Iris came back into the living room, "He's on his way, okay? Is there anything I can do?"

Barry shook his head again and managed to choke out, "No." 10 minutes later Joe pulled into the driveway and ran into the house.

"Iris, upstairs." She left quickly. She didn't want to leave, but she understood that something was very wrong and that it did not involve her. "Did he come here?" Joe whispered as he sat down next to them. Y/N and Barry nodded. "What did he want? Did he hurt you?"

Barry sat up and tried to calm himself enough to speak, "No."

"Then what did he want?"

"He wants our help."

"What the hell would he need your help with?"

"He said there's someone here. Someone from his time. Someone-someone who wants to kill us."

Joe paused for a minute before asking, "His time?"

"He's from the future," Y/N sat up slightly, still in Barry's arms.

"The future? How far are we talking?" Joe asked, bewildered.

"He was born in 2151," Y/N responded.

"Whoa. 2151? Did he say who's after you? Or why?"

"He said he couldn't say. Something about the timeline. We only know that whoever it is wants to kill us," Barry replied.

"What does he expect you to do? Fight whoever it is?"

"He told us that if he comes, we have to push this button. I guess it alerts him somehow and he'll come and protect us or something," Barry handed Joe the device.

Joe inspected the device, "Do you believe him? I mean he literally ruined your lives and wants to kill you!"

"I don't, but, um, we kind of made a deal," Y/N stared at the floor.

"A deal? What kind of deal?"

"He agreed to stop stalking us and we get an I owe you..."

"And you think he'll hold up his end of the deal?"

Y/N and Barry glanced at each other. "We don't know," Y/N answered.

Joe looked up from the device, "You had to sit and talk to him. You had to sit and have a conversation with the thing that killed your parents. I can't even imagine how you two are feeling right now." Joe reached out and put a hand on Barry's shoulder which Barry then turned into a hug.

"I don't know what to do," Barry sobbed.

"Hey, whatever happens, I'm here for you, okay? I won't let him or this other guy touch you or Y/N."

Barry nodded, "Oh, and um, h-he calls himself the Reverse Flash."

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