Chapter 39

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"Why? I thought he was supposed to be protecting you?"

"We-we didn't obey him," Y/N stammered, tears streaming down her cheeks as she squeezed Barry's hand tighter.

"You didn't use the button?"

"We did. He took us somewhere and he-he told us not to touch anything but-"

"But I-I didn't listen. It was-it was all my fault," Barry sobbed.

"Hey, Barry, don't blame yourself," Joe told him.

"But it was my fault! I was the one who touched it! I'm the reason Y/N got hurt!"

"Barr, it's okay. I'm okay."

"No, it isn't! This never should have happened...Y/N I'm so sorry."

"Barr, it's okay." She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, trying to smile.

"Maybe we should continue this later." Joe stood up and kissed Barry's head. "Get some rest."

Barry watched Joe leave. "Y/N?"

"What Barr?"

"Can you-can you stand?"

"I don't know. I haven't tried yet, but I would think so. Why?"

"Can you, um, can you come over here?" he asked in a small voice. Y/N watched as his face turned a light pink.

"Of course." She had longed to cuddle up next to him ever since she woke up, but hadn't had the courage to ask. She pulled the blue blanket back and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. "Here we go." Y/N stood up, wincing slightly. Barry smiled weakly as he moved over slightly to make room for her on the small bed.


"I've wanted to do this since I woke up," Y/N told him, blushing slightly. Barry smiled, wiping tears from his eyes. She snuggled into his side as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Barry." He kissed the top of her head, shutting his eyes.

"Barry, what comes next?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, pulling back slightly to see her face.

"Do we just wait for some other villain to come try and murder us? Do we let the Reverse Flash keep controlling our lives? Do we ever get to just live our lives?"

"Do you want me to tell you what comes next?" Y/N nodded.

"Okay, well, you're going to kiss your boyfriend, cuddle with him until you both fall asleep, and once we're cleared we're going to go home and have our second date," he replied. Even though his face was blotchy and stained with tears, he was still so adorable.

"I think I can handle that." Y/N smiled as she pulled him into a kiss. She felt him smile against her lips and smiled back. They pulled away to see Iris standing in the doorway. They both blushed a vibrant crimson.

"Get a room!" she laughed.

"We had one until you came in!" Barry shot back.

"Aren't you going to say hi?"

"Oh yeah, hi Iris," he replied.

"Hi, Iris."

"Hi. Sooo WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU GUYS?" Tears slid down her cheeks. Barry and Y/N looked at each other.

"Does she know?" Y/N asked Barry in a whisper.

"No," he answered.

"Hello?! Are you two going to answer me? I was the one who found you guys! I think-I think I deserve to know what happened!"

"Wait, you found us?" Barry asked. "Where did you find us?"

"On the living room floor. I had just gotten back from my date with Eddie. What happened?"

"Iris, it's really complicated," Y/N started.

"I don't care! I want to know!" Neither Barry nor Y/N knew what to say. Thankfully, Joe walked in and saved them.

"Iris, please let them rest. They've been through a lot."

"Dad, do you know what happened?


"Why don't I believe you?"

"Iris, let these two rest. You and I can talk about this later." Iris stormed out of the room. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's-It's fine," Y/N replied, struggling to hold back tears. Joe left the room again.

"Hey, I'm here," Barry said as he noticed Y/N had begun crying. She snuggled closer and buried her face in the covers. Barry played with her hair as tears slid down his own face.

"We'll get through this, right?

"Together, we can get through anything."

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