Chapter 19

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Barry sat there for a few minutes before looking up, "Coincidence?"

"I don't know Barry-" Y/N hugged him "-I don't know."

They sat there in each other's arms until the bell rang. Barry didn't want to go to class. There was too much going on. How could he possibly handle school right now?

"Do you, um, want to skip class?" Barry asked nervously.

Y/N nodded, "I never thought that I would, but here we are."

15 minutes later

Barry and Y/N had walked to the field and sat down next to the stream. They had both cried the whole way there. Y/N crossed her arms as Barry wrapped his arms around her. They didn't talk. They didn't need to. They sat there gazing into the water, both thinking about everything that had happened. Barry finally broke the silence, "When my mom died, I didn't really ever talk about it."

"Do you want to talk?"

Barry paused for a moment, "Before I met you, I felt so alone-" Barry wiped a tear off his cheek "-Joe tried to be my dad, but he never knew what I needed. He's a great dad, but taking care of a kid who just lost his parents, that's a lot to take on."

"When I lost my parents, I was in and out of foster care. They were never my family, they would never understand. They thought that therapy was enough, but what I needed was a family. People who would always support me, who would understand when I couldn't bring myself to go to school that day."

"That must have been really hard. I can't even imagine how much harder it would have been for me without Joe and Iris."

Y/N rested her head on Barry's chest, "Barry?"


"We need to figure this out. This can't just be a coincidence, can it?"

"I don't know, it still just doesn't make sense,"

"Hey, um, Barry?"


"Can you promise that no matter what I tell you, you won't think I'm crazy?" Y/N looked up.

"I promise."

"I've only told two people about this and-and they both thought I was making it up, but I wasn't-"

"The blur," Barry cut her off, realizing what she was talking about. He'd been told the same thing.

"What-what did you just say?"

"That's what killed my mom. People always thought I was crazy, but it's real isn't it," Barry couldn't believe what was happening.

"H-how is that even-" Y/N felt lightheaded. Tears streamed down Y/N's cheeks as she collapsed into Barry's arms. Barry held her close as he began crying.

They sat there for a while before Barry broke the silence, "It visited me. Before prom. Did it visit you too?"

Y/N nodded, "It said that it needed me."

"It told me that too. Why would it need us?"

"I-I don't know. But I'm scared Barry, I'm so scared," Y/N sobbed into Barry's shirt.

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