Chapter 13

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Barry started sobbing. "Did that really just happen? Did the thing that killed his mother just come in and talk to him?" Barry thought, "What was it? A man?" That was impossible. It had to be. Nothing could move that fast. And yet that thing just did.


Y/N collapsed sobbing. The thing that killed her parents. It was just here. How could that be possible? Things don't move that fast. It's impossible...


"Barry?" Iris knocked, "Are you almost ready to go?"

"Barry!" Iris opened the door and ran to him, "What's wrong?"

Barry didn't want to tell her what had just happened. "I just wish my parents were here to see this," Barry said. It was technically true.

"Oh, Barry," Iris pulled him into a hug, "I know your mom is so proud of you. And so is your dad."

"I know it's just hard," Barry sobbed.

"It's okay, I'm here," Iris hugged him tighter.


Y/N looked up at the clock. 30 minutes until she had to leave. She got up and walked into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror, seeing that her makeup was completely ruined. She wasn't even close to okay, but she couldn't abandon Tony. She took off her makeup and started again.


"Iris? Barry?" Joe called, "You guys ready to go? Eddie just pulled up."

Barry quickly rushed to the bathroom and washed his face. He was still a mess, but he didn't want to let Iris down. Barry dried his face and ran downstairs. Eddie was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, Barr, ready for prom?" Eddie smiled.

"Yeah," Barry lied, somehow managing to smile.

"Whoa," Eddie saw Iris coming down the stairs.

"You look beautiful, honey," Joe said hugging her.

"Thanks, dad,"

"Barry, why aren't you in a suit?" Joe asked.

"He refused to wear one," Iris answered.

"You look amazing," Eddie said to Iris, still stunned by her beauty.


"You look great," Barry hugged her.

"Alright now listen," Joe looked at Eddie, "No later than 11. You hear me?"

"Yes sir," Eddie escorted Iris to his car.

"And you, Barry, you try and have some fun tonight, okay?"

"Sure," Barry said, dazed.

"Barr, you okay?" Joe asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," Barry fake smiled, grabbing his keys.

"Good. I'll see you later," Joe waved as Barry walked out the door.

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