Chapter 40

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"You are both clear to go home, but you must rest," the nurse told them.

"Don't worry I'll make sure they don't do anything stupid," Joe chuckled.

"I am so sick of this room," Y/N whispered to Barry as she stood up.

"Me too."

"Alright come on you two. Here, I brought you guys some clean clothes." Joe handed them each a bundle of clothes.

"Oh no, I was wearing my favorite flannel!" Barry cried. Joe and Y/N both looked at him confused. "Is it okay?!"

"Oh, um, Barry I'm not sure we can save that one." Barry looked down and Y/N put her good arm around him.

"It'll be okay. We'll get through this together," Y/N giggled. "Wait, my Star Wars shirt!" she said, realizing she'd been wearing it that day. Barry laughed, kissing her cheek.

"Looks like we both lost our favorite shirts."

"I really loved that one..."

10 minutes later

"So, um, we still need to talk about what happened," Joe mentioned quietly. Barry and Y/N's faces fell and they grabbed each other's hands. "What exactly did you touch, Barry?"

"There was this white pedestal thing in the room. It had this glowing circle in the middle and I-I touched it..."

"What happened?"

"This hologram AI thing appeared. It seemed to know everything about us," Y/N continued for Barry.

"What did it know?"

"That I'm going to become the director of the CSI Division at CCPD."

"And that I'm going to be a forensic scientist there."

"How do you even know that's true?"

"I don't know why, but I believe it. It knew our names too and..." Barry trailed off.

"And what? What did it know, Barr?"

"It told me I'm going to be The Flash."

Joe pulled over and turned back to look at them, "What?"

"And I'm going to be The Streak..."

Joe's eyes were full of disbelief. "What does that even mean? Who's The Flash? Who's The Streak?"

"It said-" Barry glanced over at Y/N, "-that they're speedsters."

"Speedsters? Like super speed? Like the Reverse Fla-oh wait. Do you think he's, I don't know, like, the reverse of The Flash?" Y/N nodded. "Whoa."

"Yeah, whoa," Y/N said quietly, studying the floor. Barry squeezed her hand slightly. Joe stopped asking questions for two reasons: one, he could tell Barry and Y/N could only do this for so long, and two, he still couldn't wrap his head around the last answer. He pulled into the driveway and helped Y/N and Barry inside and up the stairs. He did his best to keep their eyes off the blood-stained rug, but they still noticed.

"Let me know if you guys need anything, and don't leave bed. Especially you Barr."

"I'll keep him here."

"Okay get some rest and Barry, you take this at 7, and Y/N, you take this one at 5." Joe placed two bottles of pain meds and glasses of water on Barry's nightstand and left the room. Y/N smiled as Barry nestled his head into her neck. She kissed his hair and wrapped her arms around him.

"Love you Barr."

"I love you too."

"Don't go anywhere while I'm sleeping."

"Do you really think I'm going to leave this?" he asked, smiling.

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