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Ammah saida ta dan yi minti daya rungume da dan nata sannan ta sakesa tace "Haba Aliyu inace mun wuce stage dinnan yanzu  kayi promising dina zaka bar hurting din kanka it's high time abun nan ya bari I don't know what to do to you you're a muslim don't you have tawwakul this dunya isn't a place to live in we're all here to worship Allah and go someday we are all waiting for our time and as it is Allah will not burden a soul with what he/she can't take so miyasa even after years you can't move on even the girls mother,father and brothers have left everything to god but banda kai haba mana Aliyu" kama hannayen mahaifiyan shi yayi yace "Ammah I've always fail you but I'm sorry please forgive me and i have left everything to god it's just that we did surgery for a guy that just got married and it wasn't a success he's now in coma and chance of survival is very low that's why it brought everything back but I'm sorry Ammah please forgive this your stupid son" sakewa ammah tadanyi tace "ciwo is not death so idan Allah yayi zaya tashi he will" smiling yayi ma Ammah sannan ya wuce dakinsa yayi dressing ciwon ya sakan ma kansa shower ya fito ya kabbara sallah daya gama ammah har ta kawo masa abincin nasa a ransa addua yake tayi ma mahaifiyar tasa da adduar Allah ya bashi ikon sakata farin ciki.


              Inaaya da ihsan suka fito daga class tare fuska duk ba dadi kaman wa inda aka daka ihsan tace "kaii this is serious wannan questions haka" inaaya tace "hmm bari ihsan ban taba test me irin wahalan nan ba ni banma san na tuna Allah ya bamu saa kawai" ihsan ta amsa da amin sannan suka nufa parking lot domin tafiya gida dan sun kammala abubuwan ranan suna zuwa ihsan tace "inee go ahead ni zani zauna a can I'll wait for babe he's on the way shi zaya maidani" murmushi inaaya tayi tace "ahh babeen babe kenan to ki gaishe da babe see you tomorrow" tayi dan Murmushi tace "greet ya aliyu for me too" wani harara inaaya ta maka mata kawai ta shiga mota a hankali take driving dan duk tunanin ta na wurin aliyu tunda ihsan tace aliyu haka har ta isa gida ta nufa daki ta fara normal routine din nata.

2months later*
       Shirin exams sosai su inaaya sukeyi dan saura 1week exams din nasu dukkansu were very busy banda mimi da duk ta kasa concentrating ga tension din school tests ga exams around the corner ga problem din ya habeeb sosai abun yake damunta yanzu ya rage kiranta saidai idan ta kirashi yace she should remember he loves her sai ya nemi hanyan da zaya yi ending call din abun yana damunta ta tamabaya sultaana times without number ko yanada matsala sai tace mata aa he's fine and good abun idan ya isheta ta rufe daki tasha kuka har bacci ya dauketa amma she's feeling it's getting worst day by day amma she's enduring all saboda kaman ma kara mata son nashi akeyi, yau tunda ta tashi bata jin dadi hakanan ta shirya zuwa school saboda test din da take dashi ko driving bata iya tayi ba driver ya kaita school test din ma  hakanan tayi duk sai a hankali bayan sun fito ne firdausi ta kalleta tace "mimi wai me ke damunki this days fa na kula kaman you're not your normal self miya sameki test din ma kawai kinyi shi ne" kada mata kai tayi tace "firdausiii it's nothing bana jin dadi ne please let's go to the hostel before the next class" hakanan firdausi ta kada mata kai ba dan ta yarda ba suka wuce hostel suna a kan hanya kawai aka tare gabansu da weak eyes dinta mimi ta dago taga waye kawai taci karo da ruks da girls dinta side tabi zata wuce aka kara tareta ta dago a hankali ta kalla ruks tace "how can i help you" dariya ruks tayi tace "stay away from habeeb he can only date me get that into your thick skull if not zaki sha mamaki" wani kallo mimi tayi mata tace "naki and you can do your worst" wani Murmushi tayi tace "hmm yaro baisan wuta bafa sai ya taka Ohhk dearest little mimi aka the queen herself you'll see what i can do and you'll regret it for the rest of your life" harara mimi ta maka mata tace "or rather you'll regret" ta buga tsaki taja firdausi da ta saka baki tana kallonsu suka wuce kafin su ida hostel firdausi tace "i see its about ya habeeb who is she his side chick or what" mimi tace "I don't know" shiru bata sake cewa komai ba dan ta fuskanci a cikin fushi kawar tata take suka nufa hostel zuwa dakin firdausi kan gado kawai mimi ta fada ta rufe ido.

         A bangaren inaaya kuwa ba karamin rama tayi  ba mamii tayi fadan har ta gaji bata son cin komai kaman ba inaayan da ba yanzu most time tana spending dinshi a daki kuma ba komai take ba zaune shiru tana tunani kaman wata wadda ta tsufa yanzu ma haka kwance take a kan gado bayan ta dawo school books ne gabanta as usual but ba karatun takeyi ba wayanta yayi kara ta duba inteesar ce ke kiranta a waya ta dauka suka gaisa inteesar nacewa "phew! Inee yau double enjoyment ya sameni and shine nayi deciding to share with you 1 yau na gama exams finally yeeey! And 2 guess" inaaya tayi dan Murmushi tace "to munji kun wuce mu kun gama exams se enjoyment ko and 2 did ya sa'id asked you out?" Dariya inteesar tayi tace "wow anty smarty ba asking out ba dai something similar can't believe it inee he have been calling me darling for the past 2 days I'm not sure what it means but damn I'm so happy it feels so good" dariya inaaya tayi to her heart content tace "wow su inteesar ko ba good ba to miye darling just an endearment term" hararanta tayi dukda basa ganin juna tace "abeg shut up ni ai in a special way yake kirana" inaaya tace "wow gaskiya na kula kin zama lover girl shaa how did you even know you love ya sa'id" inaaya ta jima tana son ta tambaya wani ta samu answers dan tanajin abubuwan da ta kasa ganesu inteesar tace "omg! You're making me blush but yanda nasani is I always think of him, I think about him last thing in the night and first in the morning and I'll be always missing him eagerly waiting for him to call or text on whatsapp enjoy convos with him my heart beats at a faster rate whenever i see his face be it video call or face to face. Inee i can spend a day telling you how I found out" inaaya da duk kaman battery ne jikinta aka zare yanda taji inteesar na mata bayanin yanda ta gano she love ya sa'id ji takeyi kaman da ita take like what how can it be possible a ranta take cewa  am i perhaps in love with him ai ba shiri da karfi tace "noo! Noo! noo! This can never happen it can't be possible no!" Tama manta da wani waya inteesar da ke ta surutu tayi shiru tace "inee lafiya miye matsalan ki what is no and what can't be possible" sai lokacin inaaya tayi realizing me tayi tace "ohh sorry sorry I don't mean that manta kawai so ya sa'id you're waiting for him to officially ask you out"  inteesar tace "no inee something is wrong tell me dana ina sensing kaman you have a problem meya faru are you in love with someone ne? Auzubillah i mean yeah i know you're married but I understand how the matter of heart is" inaaya tama rasa me zatace a hankali tace "no intee there's nothing like that me and love no it's not even my thing" inteesar tace "Ohhk that's it today I'm not leaving you or believing you sai kin gaya mani who did you fall in love with that it's making you suffer kin rame kullum you're in the room even if i call you you're not always lively always down tell me inee" inaaya shiru tayi ta rasa me zata ce haka inteesar ta dinga insisting tana tambayan ta amma ina fir taki gaya mata she didn't gave up ta cigaba har saida inaaya ta gaji tace "what intee what do you want me to say what can i do intee tell me what I'm helpless too is it so hard to call a person even once to know how he is because it's your responsibility to be a pillar to that person is it hard it's ya Aliyu intee it's not that i love him no I don't  but atleast I'm human I deserve better treatment is it so wrong of me to expect a single call from him am I expecting that much to just hear him speak for minutes what have i ever done so wrong intee" kuka yaci karfinta tayi shiru tana sha sheka inteesar jikin ta duk da mutu a dayan bangaren from what she heard and observed inaaya is in love with ya aliyu and she doesn't even know or rather she's denying it to herself a hankali inteesar ta fara magana "ya Allah! Inaaya come on please you've never done anything wrong and no you're not expecting much but I don't know what to do i can only say sorry to you ya aliyu is my brother and has inflicted so much pain on you wallahi be kyauta ba he just can't realize the love he's missing but I assure you things will get better" wani murmushin takaici inaaya tayi tace "inteesar please I'm not in love with anybody sorry for the spark it was just too much for me to take and yeah i have faith in Allah so I'm fine" inteesar ta ma rasa  me zatace mata sai hakuri da lallashi har suka gama wayan, ta ajiye kenan aneesah tashigo daki tace "ya inee guess whaaaaaaaat?" Ta fada tana fada wa kan gadon inaaya, inaaya tace "heyy lady miye na fadamun a gado miye ya faru? Saida ta tashi tayi dan rawa tace "wedding bells oooooooo Baffah ya saka date din bikin ya khady and ya hanee in 5months time this weekend ma ake raba goron sa biki" inaaya duk da ba good mood take ba saida tace "woooooooo anee are you for real ewoo i can hear the bells already" har dan rawa kadan tayi tace this calls for a celebration oo let me call mimz" ta fada sannan ta jawo wayanta ta kira mimi ita kuwa aneesah dakin ta bari ta nufa kasa da dan tsallenta.

Hello loves❤️ phew! What a mixed chapter emotional and celebration let's see what happens next and our inee is she seriously in love🙆‍♀️ let's find out

Please show me some love and don't forget to


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