*Seven months leap
Inaaya ce kwance a saman gado idan baka santa sosai ba baka ganeta ta rame tayi baki sai idanu daka kalleta idan baka santa ba baka ganeta they're currently on break a school she's in her third year sunyi break din first semester zasu koma second within this seven months not much happened inaaya bata sake ji from ya aliyu ba tunda ya tafi that very day and she couldn't ask inteesar cux batada courage she's back home a gidansu take zama mamii sam bata ce mata komai game da hakan ba saidai fada na kullum ba cin abinci duk ta rame ta lallace, mimi da habeeb sun bude new chapter of their love story they're so happy together abun ba karamin dadi yayi ma sultaana ba and their wedding is around the corner, ya aleesha gave birth to a baby boy da yaci suna usman sunyi murna sosai and ya feenah gave birth to twins a boy and a girl and matan ya sameer ta haifa baby boy sosai family din sukayi murna da karu wan da duk suka samu, wurin sultaana kuwa ya abby har sai ya baka tausayi he's always following her up and down ba school ba ba gida ba ko ina ita kuwa ko mi batace masa haka wata rana daya bi ta har school ya nace ta tsaya tace "please can you say what you're here for" yace "please sultaana i know I messed up big time i stoop so low but I've been following you for months trying to talk to you wallahi the only reason why I told you the truth was because I started having feelings for you and I wanted us to start on a clean sheet no cheating revenge or anything I wanted to tell you the whole truth but you ran out of the car and refused to pick my calls since then please sultaana I'm so sorry forgive me I misunderstood habeeb and I even asked for his forgiveness and he forgave me and was happy when I confessed how much i love you to him so please try to forgive me and let's start afresh wallahi I promise you that you won't regret it" yana gama maganan nasa thanks kawai tace ta wuce shiyasa kullum cikin bin ta yakeyi yana mata waya, wurin su ya khady amare she is 4months along ya fareed was so happy hearing the news he couldn't contain his happiness ya kasa rufe baki duk wanda ya hadu dashi sai ya gaya masa everyone was happy, inaaya dai ce gatanan she is like isolating herself kullum daga school sai daki a school ma Ihsan tried alot amma in vain itama ihsan anyi bikinta da dr anwar few months back bangaren inteesar ma dai tayi iya yinta amma inaaya ina sometimes ma batajin abunda suke cewa, yau takama saura two weeks bikin mimi da ya farhana and duk kowa na shiri saboda this time around a yobe zaayi bikin dan haka suke ta shiri in a week duk zasu tafi yobe, inaaya finally got the courage to get up ta tashi a hankali idanunta duk sunyi ja daga gani kuka Tasha ga wata ramar da tayi a hankali take tafiya har ta isa bathroom ta shiga ta dauro alwala ta dawo tayi sallah ta dade a kan carpet kafin ta tashi ta dauko wani madaidaicin akwati ta bude ta fara shirya kayanta she have already told daddy ita ko bayan bikin bazata dawo abuja ba sai hutu ya kare saboda she's so tired of abujan it's suffocating her dan haka take shirya kayanta, almost done with hada kaya sai aka turo kofan dakin ta sultaana ce ta shigo with mimi behind her dan weak smile tayi masu ta juya ta cigaba da hada kayanta mimi ta jawo wani bag ta mika mata "here take it we went to the tailors place it's your asoebi I'm sure you don't even know about it gashi nan since you are packing clothes put it too and don't forget it" juyawa sukayi zasu tafi inaaya tayi saurin rike hannun mimi a sanyaye tace "you're leaving already" mimi ta juyo da wani look a fuskanta "seriously inaaya? What should i do stay and look at you looking miserable when i have things to do I tried my very best but what did you do you shut me out shut everyone out it's my wedding we are talking about my big day but what single preparation do you know about it you're always in your room whenever i come with intention of talking to you, you never listen now you want me to stay what do you want me to say to you idan na tsaya I thought no matter what you'll always gt my back but no Inteesar isn't here i had to do everything myself with help of sultaana inaaya do you even know the color of my wedding asoebi no! Do you know what events will hold? No! Do you know my plans? No! Do you know where i will be taken to? No! Do you know what I'll wear on my wedding day? No! You don't know anything thats up with me yet you're saying I'm leaving, hmm! If you know you really do love your husband why then did you chase him why did you let him go? So that you can be miserable then congratulations you're miserable now! Learn to forgive and forget things" fuu mimi ta wuce suka bar dakin wasu hot tears suka sauko ma inaaya a fuska batasan ya zatayi ba she's so confused ta zauna a nan ta sha kukanta har ta gaji bacci ya saceta.