The drive home was a silent one har suka isa gida inaaya kaman wacce batada jini a jiki haka ta fito mota tana takawa har suka isa bakin kofa Aliyu ya bude she entered first sai shi a bayanta sum sum tayi hanyan stairs Aliyu called her name softly "fatima" cak ta tsaya bata motsa ba har ya iso wurin a hankali yace "please sit let's talk" juyawa tayi ta nufa wurin kujera ta zauna Aliyu ma zuwa yayi ya zauna close to her ya fara magana "i know i messed up big time i did bad things to you i said bad things to you but I apologized and I'll continue to apologize till you forgive me but please give us a chance give our relationship a chance give our marriage a chance please, things do change in life just like how it did with me i never thought I'll ever do what I'm doing today begging for chance after lailah i couldn't even look at anyone not only was she my girlfriend my fiancée she was my bestfriend we grew up with each others love just imagine same thing happening to you the person you love the most apart from your family a person you talk to everday without getting tired kawai ace maka he's no more it's so hard and i wasn't strong enough to handle it that is why i decided to shut everything yes i know my stupid self wanted to divorce you but I promise it wasn't for my own good is for you to be happy because I'm a depressed guy I can't keep you happy and I really want you to be happy but I realized with what I was trying to do I'm going to mess everything up even my relationship with fareed he was so angry when I told him Abbah and Ammah shut me out eventhough I didn't tell them it was fareed's parents that sat me down and advice me they guide me told me to think before making decision and i sat down and thought if lailah was here will she really want to see my life this way and senses started coming back to my head and all of the sudden our parents called me and abbah demand for your divorce paper I couldn't do it then I realized even if no body adviced me I wouldn't be able to do it I can't divorce you fatima I can't and I'm sorry for everything i did" shiru inaaya tayi at first sai kuma tace "you're right ya Aliyu you can't keep me happy I can't be happy with you I can't i can't just free me that's all i want" rai a bace fuu Aliyu ya tashi ya bar wurin zuwa daki inaaya a nan zaune ta goge dan hawayen daya sauko mata tafi 10minutes a nan kafin ta tashi ta nufa daki.
The next day inaaya woke up late tayi wanka ta shirya tasa wani dogon riga na material mint green she came down ta shiga kitchen taga alamun Aliyu bai tashi ba har tayi gaban coffee maker kaman wadda ta tuna wani abu ta bar wurin she made tuna sandwich for breakfast tasaka wanda zataci a plate sai ta saka saurin a wuri daban she kept it a dining table tazo ta hada peach tea ta dauka ta nufa sama ta koma daki a hankali take ci har ta gama, she was bored ta jawo wayanta ta kunna data ta shiga whatsapp taga anyi adding dinta a new group na bikin ihsan dayake in a month tana shiga taga an turo anko she commented nice yayi kyau ta fita just then wayanta ya fara ringing mimi ce she picked it da murnan ta but murnan ya tafi saboda crying voice din mimi da taji tace "subhanallah mimi what is wrong" batayi mata replying ba sai tambayan da tayi mata tace "where are you?" Inaaya tace "gida" tace "I'll come over" kawai ta kashe wayan she was shocked jin mimi na kuka ko me ya faru haka ta zauna tama rasa me zatayi sai bayan 40minutes she heard a faint knock a kofa immediately ta sauka da sauri still taga aliyu bai sauko ba wurin kofa tayi kawai ta bude taga mimi with red swollen eyes she just hugged her tace "mimi lafiya you're making me scared me ya faru" mimi didn't talk she just made her way into the living room ta zauna she let the tears she has been holding inaaya ta dinga patting dinta a baya ta je ta bude fridge ta kawo mata ruwa she opened it for her ta bata tasha tayi calming dinta down sannan ta tambayeta "what happened" a hankali mimi ta fara magana tace "inaaya baffah.. baffah wants to get me married" tears din suka kara taruwa a idanunta inaaya was shocked tace "what marriage mimi no he must be joking with you" ta fada in one breath mimi tace "I thought he is joking too but no! He's serious even ummi she's telling me to obey my father" inaaya tace "I'm confused marriage mimi to who?" Mimi a hankali tace "his friends son, why inaaya meyasa zayayi haka maybe the guy has his girlfriend how can he get me married to someone i don't know why" ta saki wani kuka mai cin rai inaaya ta dinga bata hakuri just then Aliyu dake tsaye wurin stairs ya na ji ya karaso har cikin parlourn mimi na ganinshi tasa hannu ta goge hawayen nata she greeted him ya amsa softly sai ya kalla inaaya da tayi kasa da kanta ko dagowa batayi ba ya samu wuri ya zauna ya kalla mimi yace "i heard all you said but you know it's nothing to worry about just calm yourself down you know what? parents tends to know more than you duk abunda kikaga sunyi just pray and pray and calm yourself down sai kiga komai ya tafi normal and cux yayi magana doesn't mean he's getting you married today or tomorrow no! Maybe kikasan you'll get to know the guy or maybe even fall in love with him Allah na abubuwansa in miraculous ways sai kiga shi ne Alkhairi and why are you crying is it that you have someone in your life" ta kada kai alamun aa yace "it's better you can just focus on getting to know the guy sometimes zakazo bakason abu and shine mafi Alkhairi and you can't change it sai kaga ya faru and later you'll realize it's better da akayi while sometimes zakaso abu but sai yaki faruwa cux it's not for the best, love you see is a stupid something it'll make you happy and hurt you at the same time and you don't choose whom to love you'll just start having feelings for that person and he might even leave you later on in life wani will die and leave you in pain wani will reject you no matter how hard you try to be with them" yana gama fadan haka yayi pause ya kalla inaaya sai ya cigaba "wani will cheat on you wani will break your heart for no valid reason wani will be threatened with something by someone just to break your heart so basically that's how life is and we roll duk abunda kikaga ya faru Allah ya rubuta shi nobody can change it so just pray kice Allah yasa hakane mafi Alkhairi" mimi ba laifi tayi calming with words din Aliyu a hankali tace "thank you" dan smile yayi mata kadan ya tashi ya nufa wurin dining table sai kuma ya dawo ya wuce kitchen yayi making coffee ya nufa wurin dining table inaaya kuwa mimi ta ja zuwa dakinta a sama she try to cheer her up har facetime sukayi with inteesar and sultaana inaaya ta gaya masu abunda ke faruwa sukayi ta ba mimi baki tayi hakuri, bayan sun gama mimi ta shiga toilet tayi alwala ta yi salloli tana rokon Allah ya zaba mata mafi Alkhairi ta gama suka sauka kasa she helped inaaya in making lunch sukayi arranging komai a table sun gama suna zaune mimi tace "inee ya Aliyu loves you" dum! Zuciyan inaaya ya buga jin abunda tace sai kawai tace "uhmm" mimi tace "stop avoiding it you know" inaaya tayi shiru mimi tace "inee you told us you love him back in switzerland why then won't you make your marriage work" inaaya tace "well i used to back in switzerland but things change people change feelings change and now I don't" mimi tace "ohhk i won't say anything but I'll advice you to let yourself be happy" shiru inaaya tayi aka bar magana. Sai bayan magrib sannan ya Aliyu yace ma mimi ta shirya su maidata ta je ta dauko veil dinta da hand bag inaaya just changed into an abaya ash they left together suka fara zuwa gidan baffah and dropped mimi suma sun shiga sun gaishe dasu daga nan they went to inaaya's house she was so happy dataga an dauka hanyan gidansu suna zuwa twins hugged ya Aliyu they were so happy to see him they spent kusan an hour a gidan before they left ya sa'id nata tsokanan inaaya after there sai sukaje gidan ya haneefa, ya aleesha,ya ummi, ya feenah da anty fareeha sai wurin to 11 suka dawo gida direct inaaya daki tayi Aliyu kallonta kawai yayi baice komai ba. They next day da safe taji anata knocking mata kofa ta tashi ta bude it was Aliyu kawai yace "get ready it's to 9 already and we have a flight to catch to kano 10" inaaya was kinda happy zataga farhana da mommy and saleema nan da nan ta shirya she came down, karfe 11 daidai jirginsu ya sauka a Aminu kano airport naseer yazo daukansu a airport din tare da farhana love birds suna tare ko ina naseer yace "antynmu ina wuni" inaaya ta bata rai ai kuwa suka yita tsokanan ta har suka isa gidan mommy taji dadin zuwansu sosai abinci kala kala tayi masu nan suka wuni har gidan ya Ishaq sukaje flight din karfe 6 suka bi back to abuja. The next day sukaje bauchi sukayi one day suka dawo still babu progress din komai a rayuwan nasu Aliyu was giving her space amma ita kuwa she's happy baya damunta anymore, tana zaune alone a parlour aliyu ya zo ya zauna they were silent for minutes sai Aliyu yace "fatima I've talked to you and gave you space to think about everything and you haven't reply me are you willing to give the marriage a chance" inaaya dake zaune ta dake tace "ya Aliyu I'm sorry but I want you to free me" he was hurt beyond explanation he just stood up yace "I'll be going back tomorrow" ya wuce dakinsa itama bajimawa ta wuce nata dakin the next day ta tashi 11:30am gidan was so silent tana tunanin ko Aliyu yaje wani wuri she made gizdo as breakfast tana kai wa table tana setting sai kawai taga wani paper a dining table din ta dauka ta fara karantawa "good morning fatima i know the time you'll be awake na tafi already so see you next time ~take care" she felt kinda bad but tayi shrugging off, she was bored the whole day sai yamma khady came to bring back her help she stayed kadan sannan fareed yazo daukanta suka koma gida.