Chapter 204: Tenya's Job

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Chapter 204

June 17th 20XX

Yaoyorozu Mansion

1:00 PM

The very moment Shinso and Momo had returned to the mansion they had gotten to work on there plans to see what Tenya has pieced together, or if Mineta's death had stopped or postponed his investigation. Momo had checked her phone to see a text from Mr. Aizawa that read.

Aizawa's Text: This is a confiednetal message and it is crucial that you keep this to yourself. Mineta's parents have agreed to keep his death quiet and a memorial service will be held on the 22nd, if you have any questions please ask Tenya.

Momo: Well that is convenient

Shinso: What is?

Momo: Tenya is in charge of Mineta's funeral, which is good for us

Shinso: Now we have a way to get closer to Tenya

Momo: That's great and all but it's scummy to just pawn off another student's memorial to a student

Shinso: Your right about that, however Tenya is a perfectionist after all *pauses* that gives me an idea, we could help Tenya with planning the memorial and if he asks us any questions we can purposely throw him off the trail

Momo: Your right, plus if he doesn't ask any question we know that Izuku isn't on his mind right now which works in favor

Momo didn't like the idea of using Mineta's death as a way to get closer to Tenya, even when she decided to join the league she still felt a moral dilemma and she wondered about her conviction, she saw how Shoto was so eager to kill his father and she knew it was wrong, the same with now, Mineta was a sexual deviant but in the end he was just a student like herself. However she had made a choice and she would have to live with it.

Shinso however was loyal to Izuku and he didn't know Mineta so to him it didn't matter. He still felt Momo's hesitation but he kept it to himself, for now she had created the plan and she would stick with it, Shinso could feel it from the bonds they shared.

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