Chapter 214: The World Consul Meets

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Chapter 214

June 17th 20XX

London, England

5:30 PM

Far away in London Shiro was called in, he assumed it was because of what happened in Japan. He assumed he was going to be summoned to go back to Japan, he was hoping for some time to rest before he had to go back, he had known it was only a matter of time before he had to go back.

He walked towards the meeting room doors and walked in, members of the 10 main branches which were the leaders of specific sectors across the world. The world consul was less of a world government and more of a solution, if something big were to happen in the world the world consul would come in and fix it. Each branch was tasked with a certain area of the world each working with the governments and countries that were in these sectors.

You could call London the main branch but that was only decided because of Ares, he had changed a lot however he couldn't take any drastic measures without the support of all 10 branches and the governments that concerned his actions. Furthermore this meeting was most likely because of Kamino, the world hadn't focused on it but in Japan it was the talk of the nation, the new hero Tenshi. If Tenshi became a world wide symbol it could cause disruption.

Ares: *seeing Shiro* Everyone this was the agent tasked with dealing with the japanese sport's festival incident as well as the arctic crisis

The arctic crisis is how he go the name Shiro, it was... complicated to say the least

Ares: I purpose we send him to investigate who Tenshi is...

A member of the Italian Branch stood up, a boy Shiros age, he had a smile on his face, Zeke he was also the son of a branch leader. He was taller then Shiro, not much was known about him besides the fact that he was both arrogant and flirty

Zeke: Well Ares see an investigation like that should be handled with more care, *a mocking tone* an entire city was flattened and someone was able to defeat him so easily.

Ares: What are you suggesting?

Zeke: I'll go with Shiro to Japan and we can figure out who this Tenshi is *pauses and looks into Ares's eyes* Unless you are hiding something from us, you did send him to deal with the sport's festival without the coniculs full support

Shiro knew that his father would be infuriated, it wasn't a big enough issue, Izuku was just a boy, but if Izuku is Tenshi then Zeke's involvement could complicate things.

Ares: That is purpostrus I am not hiding anything, if you want to go with Shiro to Japan I have no issue with it

Zeke: Good, I am glad we could come to an understanding

Ares: As you said before I acted without consulting the consul but this will be an official operation, I will speak to the Japanese Prime Minister

Zeke: Excellent *puts a wide brimmed hat on* I am looking forward to it

The other members nodded in agreement

Ares: Very well then the meeting is adjourned, I'll give Zeke more information after I speak to the Prime Minister

Zeke: *tips his hat*

Zeke looked at Shiro before walking away with some members of the Italian Consul

*Author's Note*

This chapter was created as away to explain more about the World Consul and how it functions, as the world consul is my own creation and it is not in the My Hero Universe I decided to add a section of Volume 4 focused on it, I find world building to be one of the most important parts of a novel. If you have any questions I'll be sure to clarify them however more will be explain as the series continues.

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