Chapter 230: Friendly Banter

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Chapter 230

June 20th 20XX

Yakuza Base

7:00 AM

Izuku had gone right to sleep when he got in the room, he was tired, not just worn out. Overhaul was continuing the trend of being a controlling maniac. He hadn't answered any of Shoto's questions and went right to sleep, he was too agitated and knew that Shoto was also stressed. It wouldn't be fair to take out the anger he was holding within himself on Shoto.

Izuku spent a few seconds just staring at his hands before seeing that Shoto was working on the Endeavor research. Izuku felt bad he was leaving all the work to Shoto but with all the responsibility, however with what Izuku was faced with there was no option, he was stuck at least for now.

Izuku: Morning Shoto

Shoto: Morning Izuku

Izuku: I'm sorry for leaving all this work for you

Shoto: It's fine Izuku, I am as much a part of this upcoming fight as you

This was true, Shoto was attached to this fight, it was personal and it meant something to him, Endeavor, his father was a cruel man who deserved what was coming to him. That bastard deseves this. Shoto wanted to do this more than Izuku.

Izuku however didn't see the bloodlust behind Shoto's words, maybe he was distracted or maybe Shoto was good at hiding his bloodlust. It was impressive to a certain degree.

Izuku: I understand Shoto, then let's focus on the thing at hand

Shoto: The hero ranking party

Izuku: Eri is coming with us

Shoto: Izuku your kidding right, Overhaul will kill us both if anything happens

Izuku: He has made that point clear, however you can watch Eri while I'm on the stage

Shoto: Tenshi, the hero of the people. What will you say

Izuku: I'll speak like I did in Kamino

Shoto: Interesting

Izuku: What is interesting Shoto?

Shoto: Nothing forget about it

Izuku: What do you mean nothing?

Shoto: It's nothing Izuku

Izuku: You can't just say something is interesting and then not explain it

Right after Izuku said this both Shoto and Izuku started laughing, a moment of longevity in this storm and chaotic situation that they were faced with. the bonds of friendship the boys shared.

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