Chapter 254: What To Do With Him

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Chapter 254

June 26th 20XX

Yakuza Underground Base

12:10 PM

Eri and Himiko both ran after Izuku running and jumping through the tunnel that Izuku's powerful punch had made, finally catching up to him they saw a elder member of the Yakuza kneel before Izuku. He looked to be 70-80 years old, his eyes full of wisdom but also determination.

Yakuza Elder: Izuku Midoriya you can decide what to do with him, death, imprisonment or even torture, his life is now in your hands as the new leader.

Izuku smiled at that thought, Overhaul just lost all of his power, and after what he did to him and Shoto and even Eri, he deserved pain, punishment and most of all retribution. Izuku thought of all the things Overhaul put him through and how Izuku would repay him 30 fold. His hair grew darker as if his emotions influenced it's color.

Eri: Izuku!

Eri ran up to Izuku giving him a hug. The dark thoughts in his mind clearing, as if the joy that Eri brought him back to a more happy and sane side of himself. He realized that he had no reason to kill Overhaul, he'll just leave it up to Eri. That was fair, Izuku didn't want to break morality and this was the best option for himself. His hair lightened or more that it returned to it's original color.

Izuku: Eri I want you to decide what to do with him *pointing to Overhaul*

Eri thought it over, she hated Overhaul but she still felt a connection to him. Eri made a choice

Eri: I want him to be nice

Yakuza Elder: Are you sure you want to leave this de...

Izuku: *cutting off the elder* It's her decision and you will respect it as you would respect me, do you understand 

Yakuza Elder: As you wish

Izuku: You hear that Kai? From now on your life is in Eri's hands, you follow her rules.

Overhaul didn't say anything, maybe in submission or maybe he was still unconscious, Izuku honestly didn't care which.

Eri: *nods* Yeah

Izuku: Now that Overhaul is settled, is there better be a throne for me

Yakuza Elder: Well of course, follow me 

The elder bowed his head in respect for the new head of the Yakuza.

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