Chapter 238: Representative Koichi

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Chapter 238

June 20th 20XX

Tokyo, Japan

7:47 PM

Shoto had noticed Endeavor but Endeavor has walked away with someone who looked like a representative for the event, Shoto didn't know, but he knew for certain that he should stay away from Endeavor, especially in his current frame of mind. He turned to Izuku who was talking to Eri about the different foods they had. Shoto noted that Izuku seemed to genuinely care for Eri and as much as he hated the fact that she was another liability Izuku seemed happier.

Shoto had ordered a fresh cranberry sparkling water, it was exotic and different a flavor that was more American in origin. Shoto didn't normally have drinks and food imported from overseas so he enjoyed and sipped his drink when he spotted a man in a suit walking towards the table.

Izuku: Detective ... it's so nice to see you again *out stretches his hand*

Detective Tsukauchi: Same to you Izuku *shaking Izuku's hand* I hope you got here okay

Izuku: Well it's not too hard to find *referring to the hero gala*

Detective Tsukauchi: *lightly laughs* Well that is to be expected, it's more important than ever especially because of the new number one *looks at Shoto and Eri* Your Shoto Todoroki right?

Shoto: Yes it's nice to meet you

Detective Tsukauchi: The same to you *looks at Eri* And who's this

Eri: I'm Eri

Izuku: Yeah she's my... little sister

Detective Tsukauchi: Well it's nice to meet you Ms Eri

Eri: Thank you

Detective Tsukauchi: Well I'll see you all later

Detective Tsukauchi waved goodbye once more as he walked away.

Shoto: *takes another sip of the cranberry sparkling water*That was the detective who invited you right Izuku?

Izuku: Yep that's him

Eri: You know a lot of people Izuku

Izuku: *scratches back of his head* Well you meet a lot of people when you are like me

Eri: I want to be like Izuku when I get older

That made everyone smile as the waiter delivered them there food. The music played classic Jazz and the air was of fortune and tranquility the opposite of the chaotic crowd down below. But then a screen suddenly appeared into the window, it was somehow hidden and had no effect on his vision while looking outside. Eri tried touching the screen but the screen turned into a holographic projector which appeared on the table. in the shape of a shorter man.

Izuku: Holographic technology huh *not surprised thinking back to his UA invitation*

Eri: They can make 3d people!

Izuku laughed at that, but Eri was still confused and just started at it until at last the man on the holograph suddenly began to speak.

Representative Koichi: Attention all heroes, I am Representative Koichi and it is my honor to reveal to all of you the rankings of the top 10 heroes! It is an honor to host this event and I hope you will all have fun and support your favorite heroes.

A line of heads that resembled the different heroes appeared below Representative Koichi. First was Endeavor's head which caused Shoto to frown. Next to Endeavor was someone called Hawks, Izuku had heard the name before but he didn't know much about the man. And the 3rd head was....

*Author's Note*

*Evil Laugh* Oh you thought I would let you know who will be named the number 3 hero, wrong, really I like to keep things a surprise for now!

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