Chapter 219: Bakugo, Love, Power And Trust

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Chapter 219

June 18th 20XX

Musutafu General Hospital, Hero Ward

11:40 AM

Ochaco had stayed by Bakugo's side ever since he had been moved from the U.A infirmary to Musutafu General Hospital. She was worried about him, she was worried that his spirit would be broken, however Bakugo was more motivated than ever. He woke up and looked out the window with a smile on his face. He had been quiet but he had Ochaco tell him what had happened in Kamino as well as back at the camp.

She was worried, she wanted to know what Bakugo was thinking, she wanted to be near him, to understand him and comfort him.

Bakugo: Ochaco

Ochaco: Yes Bakugo

Bakugo: I was afraid before, that was my weakness. I was scared of Izuku's power and my fear made me weak. My fear turned to anger and I lost because of my anger. However I came to a realization, my anger is a part of me and... I wanted you to

Ochaco ran over and hugged Bakugo, she had tears in her eyes as she hugged Bakugo even tighter.

Ochaco: Bakugo I love you no matter what, I love you and nothing will change that

Bakugo: Thank you Ochaco for always being by my side

Ochaco: *looks Bakugo in the eyes* So what is this training with All Might going to help you with

Bakugo: If Zen Mode is absolute Balance then if in theory I can use a part of that power and I will be able to make it my own

Ochaco: Your own power?

Bakugo: If I can obtain this power I will be able to surpass my limits, my weaknesses and my fears

Ochaco: But Bakugo I don't want to see you hurt

Bakugo: Ochaco once I obtain this power, I will be stronger than ever, and I won't make the mistakes that I did before

Ochaco: Okay Bakugo I put my full trust in you

Ochaco kissed Bakugo as they held each other for a moment as the sun's light poked through the window illuminating the hospital room

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