Chapter 232: Presence And Trust

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Chapter 232

June 20th 20XX

Yakuza Base

10:00 AM

Izuku and Shoto ate a huge breakfast, and prepared themselves for the upcoming rankings. Izuku had a black suit while Shoto had a white and red suit, a contrast of colors that Izuku had pictured as perfect for the gala. Overhaul still hadn't visited them yet, Izuku felt uneasy about Overhaul not coming as early. It was unusual and it didn't sit right with Izuku who was still remembered what Overhaul had said to him the day before.

Izuku balled his fists as he thought of the humiliation he had been dealt. Overhaul was a controlling ass and that infuriated Izuku however a part of him was getting used to abuse dealt by Overhaul's oppressive hand.

Shoto: Izuku I'm thinking of combing my hair back

Izuku: Uh we don't have any hair gel

Shoto: Izuku hair isn't all about chemicals you know?

Izuku: Okay enlighten me then

Shoto: Well you just need to comb it back, but you have to take your time

Izuku: Where did you learn all of this Shoto?

Shoto: When you spend as much time with Momo like I have you pick up a few things

Izuku: How are they?

Shoto: What do you mean?

Izuku: I brought them into this, I didn't consider if they even wanted to join me and I put you all in danger. I.. I just need to know are they mad at me?

Shoto: Listen Izuku, both Momo and Shinso care about you. They follow your decisions because you are our friend. We follow you because we trust you and care about you

Izuku: Thank you Shoto

Without warning Overhaul was behind Shoto

Overhaul: How touching

Izuku: How the hell did you do that?

Overhaul: It's called presence, I'm honestly surprised you can't do it, Himiko can

Izuku thought back to Himiko and how she was able to seemingly hide in plain sight, it was the same with the Yakuza member, Izuku had felt it, he couldn't do it but being around Himiko he had gotten used to it and it heightened his senses but Overhaul was right Izuku could not fully mask his presence

Izuku: I haven't mastered it

Overhaul: Well we can work on that later for now I want the both of you to be ready for your big day

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