Chapter 258: Shigaraki Arrives

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Chapter 258

June 26th 20XX

Yakuza Throne Room

12:50 PM

Izuku sat on his grand new throne, he spent his time waiting for Shigarkai by talking to Eri who was interested in Izuku's phone. Izuku let her play an game he had downloaded a while back. She was fascinated by the fact that their was an entire world in this device. Himiko was out taking pictures of the room from Kurogiri when suddenly the familiar black and purple mist of Kurogiri's warp gate appeared in the room, Shigaraki stepped through the portal looking straight at Izuku.

Shigaraki: Izuku you have some explaining to do

Izuku: Wait before you get mad hear me out first

Shigaraki: Fine Izuku why did you go behind my back

Izuku: The previous leader blackmailed me and Shoto into killing Endeavor, I beat him in a fight and now I am the leader

Shigaraki: You really are the leader of the Yakuza, however by doing that you have turned traitor and turned your back on me

Izuku: Wait a second I wanted to say because I can't be here at all times and go on with my life so I was going to give the Yakuza to you for the time being.

Shigaraki was stunned, he couldn't imagine giving up such power, he had to know why Izuku would even consider doing this.

Shigaraki: You would give up your title for what

Izuku: I can't lead a organization this big, and you are the leader of the league after all, you can bring people together much more then I can. Anyway I look at it you are the only one who I can trust to lead the leauge

Shigaraki: Well alright then *scratches back of his head with his video game in his other hand*

Eri: *noticing the game in Shigaraki's hand* You like video games too

Shigaraki: Who's the kid?

Izuku: This is Eri

Eri: Hi

Izuku: Could you do me a favor and watch her for me

Eri: I want to stay with you Izuku, don't leave

Izuku: Don't worry I'll come back and visit you, you can call me anytime, Shigaraki could you get a phone for her for me

Shigaraki: Yeah that's easy enough

Izuku: I appreciate it Shigaraki

Shigaraki: Yeah of course

*Author's Note* 

As we are getting to the end of volume 4 I wanted to ask everyone to comment questions for my Q/A of the series so far, also look at the updates to see the roadmap of my future works. Thank you all for your support!

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