Chapter 253: Izuku Vs Overhaul

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Chapter 253

June 26th 20XX

Yakuza Underground Base

12:05 PM

Overhaul stood menacingly in the room, staring at Izuku with the smile of a sadist hidden under his mask. To him he saw his little puppet all nice an healed, With Endeavor out of the way things would be perfect. No one would be able to stop him, and with the number two hero Hawks out of the way their was no opposition, what could the heroes do with no concrete Number 1. Overhaul was untouchable.

Izuku: We did what you wanted so now leave us alone

Overhaul: Not so fast Izuku, you are my puppet.

Izuku stood up and walked towards Overhaul, everything that he had gone through and this sadistic crow masked freak him like a puppet. Even without Tenshi Izuku knew he could defeat Overhaul. He would not lose.

Overhaul:  Oh Izuku are you approaching me

Izuku: I can't hit you from over here

Overhaul: Then by all means go ahead

Overhaul stepped closer to Izuku as the two stared at each other down.


Overhaul: IZUKU

Overhaul went to use his quirk but Izuku was faster, he powered up One For All, going to 50% on his new arm which was more powerful than ever. His fist crackled with the electric sparks that One For All gave off. This punch was the strongest punch he had ever made. The way Overhaul just used him, this was the payback. A great and powerful new punch, his new punch would be the tool to make him pay.


Overhaul knew in an instant that he was too late, he felt the raw power and intensity of Izuku's punch, and then he went flying backwards. Crashing through walls and through the stone surrounding the tunnels. His bones cracked and he coughed up blood. However even then Overhaul was still going thorough the walls and rock, his skin tearing off.  Overhaul caught himself as he didn't know where he was but he was enraged, he wanted to curse Izuku but he couldn't even breathe never-mind speak, looking at his chest he saw an indentation that had broken his ribs, if he didn't fix it the wound soon it would be absolutely fatal. However, if Overhaul yield to Izuku he would forfeit his title as head of the Yakuza. Izuku didn't know that but this could ruin everything.

Izuku's arm hurt a little but he knew that he had to keep going. Using 20% One For All on his legs he launched himself through the holes Overhaul's body made. Overhaul saw him coming and slowly raised his arms but he underestimated Izuku as a foot kicked him against the wall sending him into a underground courtyard where members of the Yakuza were. They all looked at the commotion but then didn't move, the rules of Yakuza were absolute. No interference would be allowed.

Izuku followed Overhaul, a menacing smile as he walked towards the man who was trying to back away, Overhaul turned on his stomach to crawl away but Izuku stomped on his legs causing Overhaul to yelp in pain like a deer crying when the wolf finally catches him. Overhaul was Izuku's prey

Izuku: Now who is the puppet now, Overhaul huh?

Izuku began to stomp on Overhaul's body as the blood from his wounds shot out like the rapid streams of a great river. Izuku's eyes were wide open as he inflicted his emotional pain on Overhaul. He quickly stopped when he noticed that all of the Yakuza members that were in the courtyard all knelt where they had been watching the fight which perplexed Izuku subduing his rage for at least the moment. A older Yakuza Elder walked towards Izuku with his head bowed down.

Yakuza Elder: Izuku Midoriya you have defeated Kai Chikasi in single combat, you have now earned the rank of leader, the Yakuza is at your service my master

Izuku: *smiles* As it should be

*Author's Note* 

This chapter was one that had me going back and doing revisions constantly, the battle and ending had to be perfect and I really wanted to capture the emotions that both Overhaul and Izuku were feeling. Overhaul was a character that wasn't fleshed out too much in the manga and it was good to dig deep into his character. I might go further into this in a Q/A chapter if that would interest anyone. 

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