Chapter 217: Wake Up For Overhaul

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Chapter 217

June 18th 20XX

Yakuza Base

10:30 AM

Overhaul had decided to check on Izuku and Shoto only to find that they were asleep

Overhaul: Dammit get up!

Shoto was the first one to get up he had a red mark in the shape of his hand. Izuku on the other hand was on the floor curled up into a ball and slowly unballed himself and sat up looking at Overhaul.

Overhaul: Okay listen up you are not going to sla...

Izuku: No no we fell asleep working that's all, *points to the screen* We are almost done with the endeavor list.

Overhaul stepped forward and looked at the monitor, he scrolled up and skimmed all the information that both Izuku and Shoto collected. He was surprised the list went so far and he was impressed, he knew that bringing endeavor's son would help but with this went beyond Overhaul's wildest expectations. It seemed like they deserved the sleep they got after all.

Overhaul: Well I stand corrected, I was going to yell at you for slacking but you have done a good job, I find that even small details are important and that list covers all the details you could ever need.

Izuku: Thank you

Izuku was surprised to hear that Overhaul wasn't being more heavy on his criticism, in the end it's better he didn't criticize them Izuku was going to have to train Eri today and Shoto shouldn't feel hounded.

Shoto: Thank you

Overhaul: Yes yes now Izuku I'll need you around 12 but until then you can get up and plan what Shoto will be doing while Izuku is training Eri.

Shoto: What about breakfast?

Overhaul: I'll have it delivered

Overhaul turns to walk away, he was pleased with their work, however Endeavor still out classes them unless they can make a strategy that will work and they will fail. 

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