Chapter 205: The Men In Suits

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Chapter 205

June 17th 20XX

Izuku's Apartment

1:30 PM

Shoto and Izuku had finished preparing their things and they stood outside waiting for the Yakuza to come

Shoto: So Izuku, how do you think they will show up

Shoto wanted to keep the atmosphere light, he knew that this was slowly eating away at Izuku but Izuku was worse off than before.

Izuku was still enraged that Overhaul would send a minion to stalk him. However he shouldn't be surprised, they were watching him. Still he was still angry, he couldn't sense one guy when he was in his own apartment.

Izuku however promised himself that he would learn how to sense Yakuza members so they would never sneak up on him ever again.

Izuku: I'm not sure

But just when Izuku finished his semi sentence a black van pulled into the apartment parking lot, almost like a response to Izuku's words.

The back of the van doors opened and two men in suits stepped out and walked towards the two boys.

Suit Guy 1: Your the boy called Izuku am I correct?

Izuku: Your correct, are you here to pick us up

Suit Guy 2: *nods*

Suit Guy 1: Where are your belongings?

Izuku: They are all inside at the front door

Suit Guy 1: Understood, both of you wait in the van *points to van*

Izuku: Thank you for your help

Suit Guy 2: *nods*

The two men walked up the stairs to Izuku's apartment while Izuku and Shoto went to the van.

Shoto: Did you get there names?

Izuku: no, I should have, I don't want to call them suit guy one and suit guy two

Shoto: There was something... off about them

Izuku: I suggest we just go with it, it's best not to ask questions

The two boys agreed to keep quiet and wait until they reached the Yakuza hideout.

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