Chapter 213: Are You Hungry

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Chapter 213

June 17th 20XX

Yakuza Base

5:20 PM

Izuku was getting hungry, he had been with Eri for the past 2 hours and he hadn't eaten in a long time, He and Eri were drawing and talking about various things, he must have lost track of time. Fortunately or unfortunately Overhaul remembered the time and came back. There was a knock at the door and Overhaul opened the door. Eri froze as Overhaul entered the room.

Overhaul: Izuku it seems like you are getting along with Eri

Izuku: Yeah

Overhaul: Well it's time for you to eat so you'll be going with Shoto

Eri: But I want to eat with Izuku

Overhaul turned his head, Eri hadn't asked for anything like that in... Overhaul paused, he couldn;t say no with Izuku around, besides it would make more sense if she could get used to controlling her powers around Shoto, it would be an excellent experiment.

Overhaul: Very well I'll allow it Eri, you can go with Izuku to eat

Eri: Really

Overhaul: Yes but don't make me regret it

Eri: I'll behave

Overhaul: You too follow me we'll be going to Izuku's room

Izuku was going to ask Overhaul more questions but he stopped himself before he spoke, He wasn't sure how Eri would react to Shoto and worrying her now would piss Overhaul off endangering the lives of the people he loved and cared about, for now he would just go with it and talk to Overhaul when they were alone.

They walked through the halls untill they got to a door, Overhaul opened the door and inside was Shoto seemingly doing something to a computer. He turned when the door opened.

Shoto: Hey Izuku *poitns to Eri* who's that

Eri hides behind Izuku

Izuku: It's fine Eri, he won't hurt you. He is my friend he won't hurt you

Eri: But...

Izuku: Don't worry Eri, I'm here with you, with me around you won't hurt anyone

With that Eri calmed down and stood beside Izuku

Overhaul: I'll have someone delvier your food when it's done *walks away*

Izuku figured that Overhaul would say something to Shoto or even Eri but he just walked away, it was odd but just as before he left it alone

Shoto: Hi your Eri right, My names Shoto

Eri nodded her head and looked around

Eri: This a big room Izuku

Izuku: Have you ever seen this room?

Eri shook her head no and walked towards the computers

Eri: What's this?

Izuku: It's a computer, you can learn things and play games and do all kinds of things

Eri: Awesome can I use it?

Izuku: Sure I'll help you set it up

Shoto watched Izuku, he didn't figure Izuku to work so well with kids, he had wanted to talk with Izuku but he decided to wait, there was plenty of time left for Shoto to talk to Izuku.

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