Chapter 210: The Flames Of Passion

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Chapter 210

June 17th 20XX

Endeavor's Office, The Endeavor Hero Agency

4:00 PM

Endavor was feeling great, everything he had ever wanted was comming true, not only was he the number one hero but now he wouldn't need Shoto's coruperation, finally he could enjoy his status and the pleasures of life.

Burnin: So you sent everyone home huh Mister Number One Hero?

Endeavor: Well I'm not the number one hero yet

Burnin moved closer and closer to Endavor

Burnin: Well you are too me

Endeavor: I appreciate that

Burnin: What is wrong number one *moves to an inch away from Endeavor* could it be that you want something but are too nervous to ask

Endeavor froze for the first time in his life, his heart began to pound as time itself seemed to slow. Burnin rubbed her hand across Endavor's face as she moved him towards his desk gettng closer to him, the heat increasing the emotion in the room.

Endeavor: I don't know what you are...

Burnin: We both know what we want Enji

Burnin saying his name caught him off guard, he had never been called Enji by anyone in years

Burnin: There is nothing stopping us Enji, you don't need to keep your feelings inside now that there is no need for appealing Shoto, it is just us

Burnin drew Endavor's face closer to her own as there mouths met, Endavor had never been in love before, he had never wanted anything besides being number one and now he wanted this, Burnin ripped his shirt off and went to kiss him again when

Figure: Ahem am I interrupting something

Both Endeavor and Burnin stepped away from one another quickly

Endeavor: Who the hell are you

The figure stepped into the light of Endeavor's office, he had blond hair, red feathery wings and googles that covered his eyes, a yellow jacket with white fur. He was young and carried what felt like arrogance personified. He had his hand on his chin. Whoever he was pissed Endeavor off especially for interrupting this moment.

Hawks: Awww you don't know me, well that's disappointing but it's okay I haven't been a hero for long, my name is Hawks and I was hoping to talk to you *pointing to Burnin* it seems like you are busy right now so I can come back later

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Hawks: Awww you don't know me, well that's disappointing but it's okay I haven't been a hero for long, my name is Hawks and I was hoping to talk to you *pointing to Burnin* it seems like you are busy right now so I can come back later

Endavor: Fine we can talk now *turning towards Burnin* Go home, we can discuss this later

Burnin nodded, she glared at Hawks before she left the room he had ruined the moment she had been waiting for 

Endeavor: *growls* Let me go put on a shirt and let's talk on the balcony 

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